
What is expected of you as a juror?

What is expected of you as a juror?

Jurors must: Decide the facts of the case only. Take directions relating to law from the trial judge, whether or not they agree with him/her. Remain impartial and independent.

What can you tell people about jury service?

Do not discuss the trial with anyone until it’s finished, except with other jury members in the deliberation room. After the trial you must not talk about what happened in the deliberation room, even with family members. You can talk about what happened in the courtroom.

What are the odds of doing jury service?

The chances of being called for jury service at least once in your lifetime are around 40\%. The general rule is that you must do jury service when you are sent a jury summons, but you may be allowed to delay it for up to 12 months.

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How can I be a good juror?

Tips to being an effective Juror

  1. Know what Judges and Attorneys expect from Jurors.
  2. Be honest, forthcoming, and genuine.
  3. Listen attentively and take good notes.
  4. Ask questions if you do not understand.
  5. Listen to all the evidence prior to forming any conclusions about the case.

How can I be an effective juror?

How do you dress to not be selected for jury duty?

Jurors should not wear shorts, mini-skirts, tank tops, flip-flops, or hats (except for religious purposes). Jurors who are not appropriately dressed will be sent home and ordered to appear for jury service on a future date. Courtrooms can be cold, so a sweater or jacket is recommended.

How do jurors make a decision?

Usually the court provides the jury with written forms of all possible verdicts, so that when a decision is reached, the jury has only to choose the proper verdict form. In most instances, the verdict in a criminal case must be unanimous. In some states a less than unanimous decision is permitted in civil cases.

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What makes good jurors?

Thus, an effective juror must: (1) Be honest, forthcoming, and genuine; (2) Listen attentively and take good notes; (3) Ask questions if you do not understand; and (4) Listen to all the evidence prior to forming any conclusions about the case.