
What is General Assembly course?

What is General Assembly course?

General Assembly is a pioneer in education and career transformation, specializing in today’s most in-demand coding, business, data, and design skills. Named one of Fast Company’s most innovative education companies, GA offers full- and part-time courses for career climbers both on campus and online.

What is GA course?

Analytics Academy Courses Learn the basic features of Google Analytics including how to create an account, implement tracking code, analyze basic reports, and set up goals and campaign tracking.

What does Coding Dojo teach you?

Coding Dojo bootcamps prepare individuals at all skill levels for careers in software development, data science, cybersecurity, and other emerging technologies. Students learn in-demand languages and web programming frameworks associated with three development stacks, including JavaScript, Python, SQL, C#, and Java.

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What is Dojo code?

A Coding Dojo is a meeting where a bunch of coders get together to work on a programming challenge. They are there to have fun and to engage in DeliberatePractice in order to improve their skills.

Does General Assembly get you a job?

General Assembly boasts a high job placement rate for its graduates, and you could be one of them. As long as you have a passion for your career in tech, General Assembly offers a program for you.

Can I get a job with a coding bootcamp?

Coding bootcamps usually specialize in a specific technical discipline such as web development, software engineering, cybersecurity, data science, or user experience design. Bootcamp grads often find online coding jobs and part-time coding jobs with these titles, in addition to full-time, in-person positions.

What does full stack?

A Full Stack Developer is someone who works with the Back End — or server side — of the application as well as the Front End, or client side. Full Stack Developers have to have some skills in a wide variety of coding niches, from databases to graphic design and UI/UX management in order to do their job well.