
What is Gravesands apparatus?

What is Gravesands apparatus?

5.1 we see the Gravesand’s apparatus or Parallelogram apparatus. It consists of a wooden board A fixed vertically on two pillars. There are two pulleys P and Q fitted at the same level at the top of the board.

What are the main sources of error in the experiment using Gravesands apparatus?

Please aplly oil before starting the experiment. Weights may not weigh accurately by the spring balance. The spring of the spring balance may suffer elastic lag so the reading may not be correct. Tjhe points of the block boundary may not be plotted correctly.

How do you find the unknown weight in a parallelogram law of vectors?

Pass threads with weights P and Q over the pulleys and let the third thread with given body S, stay vertical in the middle of the board. Adjust the weights P and Q (forces) such that the junction O stays in equilibrium slightly below the middle of the paper. acting along the three threads at the junction O.

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What is Ohm’s law apparatus?

Ohm’s Law Apparatus. To verify Ohm’s Law. The apparatus consists of one wire wound rheostat, one moving coil voltmeter and one moving coil ammeter, mounted on a bakelite plate in a wooden case. With four terminals, two for battery connection and two for resistance coil.

What is the major source of error in Searle’s experiment?

The main source of error is the loss of heat along the length of the bar to the surroundings.

What are the main source of error in the experiment using?

Common sources of error include instrumental, environmental, procedural, and human. All of these errors can be either random or systematic depending on how they affect the results. Instrumental error happens when the instruments being used are inaccurate, such as a balance that does not work (SF Fig. 1.4).

What is the parallelogram law of forces?

The law of parallelogram of forces states that if two vectors acting on a particle at the same time be represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram drawn from a point their resultant vector is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram drawn from …

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What is the procedure of ohms law?

Ohm’s Law suggests a method for measurement of resistance. If a voltmeter is used to measure the voltage (V) across an unknown resistance (R), and an ammeter is used to measure the current (i) through the same unknown resistance, then R would be given by R = V/i.