
What is lashon hara for kids?

What is lashon hara for kids?

In Judaism, there’s a tenet called lashon hara (“evil tongue” in Hebrew) that focuses on what not to do when it comes to speaking about others, especially those in our community. Lashon hara is said to harm three people at the same time: the one who says it, the one who hears it, and the one who’s being talked about.

What is the difference between lashon hara and Rechilus?

Collectively, such evil speech is known as lashon hara (which literally translates as “evil speech”). This particular form of smack talk, however, is called rechilus – “talebearing” or gossip. The gossip is like a salesman, going door to door hawking their merchandise.

How do I teach my child not to gossip?

Teach your child that the best way to avoid being a part of the gossip mill in school is to steer clear of kids who gossip. If they happen to hear a rumor, remind them not to repeat it, and not to listen to it, either. Remind them that, when someone trusts them with a personal secret, they should keep it to themselves.

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How do you perform tzedakah?

Accordingly, tzedakah involves giving assistance with the hand and consolation with the mouth so the heart is without embitterment. The donor should give with a pleasant expression and with a full heart and the beggar should not hear rebuke (ibid.).

How do I shut down gossip family?

Telling a gossiper straight out that you do care about this person may shut down the gossip without further issue. Another way to handle gossip is to change the subject. A quick change in topic lets a person know that you don’t entertain gossip, you’re bored with it, and they shouldn’t bring it up again.

How do you deal with a family gossipy?

How to Confront Gossiping Family Members

  1. 1 Initiate a normal conversation. Initiate a normal conversation. Be friendly and courteous.
  2. 2 Be steering the conversation. Be direct when steering the conversation towards the gossip. Try to avoid using the name of the person who confided in you about the gossiping family member.
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Why is tzedakah an important way of promoting social justice?

Tzedakah means ‘charity’. It refers to the Jewish obligation, or mitzvah , of giving to charity as well as supporting social justice. Giving tzedakah is one of the most important commandments for Jews. It is taught that Jews should give tzedakah because they want to, and not because they have to.

Who should I give tzedakah to?

Everyone is required to give tzedakah according to her means. Even the poorest Jews, those who need help themselves, are expected to put aside something from what they receive in order to give tzedakah. But that poor Jew’s tiny donation is as great as the large donation of the wealthiest.