
What is MCUG in urology?

What is MCUG in urology?

A micturating cystourethrogram (MCUG) is a scan that shows how well your child’s bladder works. It is used to diagnose why your child may have urinary tract infections. It is also used to show up any abnormalities with your child’s urinary system.

When is MCUG performed?

A cystourethrogram or MCUG is usually done when other tests have not been able to identify the cause of a problem. One alternative, when looking for vesicoureteral reflux (VUR), is to use a different imaging test called a MAG3 scan with indirect cystogram.

What is a VCU procedure?

A VCUG, or a voiding cystourethrogram, is a minimally invasive test that uses a special x-ray technology called fluoroscopy to visualize your child’s urinary tract and bladder. A VCUG can help: diagnose vesicoureteral reflux, a condition in which urine flows the wrong way, from the bladder back up to the kidneys.

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Does Vcugs hurt?

How does having a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG) feel? This test isn’t painful, and you won’t feel anything when the X-rays are taken. You may find it somewhat uncomfortable when the catheter is inserted and while it’s in place.

Is MCUG safe for infants?

Babies and children who have a MCUG have a greater risk of a urinary tract infection when the germs get into the urine and cause infection. Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic to prevent urinary tract infection. The antibiotic needs to be started three days before the MCUG and for about two days after the test.

Is MCU test is harmful?

Are there any after effects from an MCU? There are usually no side effects from this test. Some children feel a mild burning while weeing for a short time afterwards (sometimes a day or two). Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids and this will pass quickly.

Which child has the highest risk of urinary tract infection?

Young age – Boys younger than one year old and girls younger than four years of age are at highest risk. Being uncircumcised – There is a four to 10 times higher risk of UTIs in uncircumcised boys.

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What are the indications of Cystourethrography?


  • Follow-up evaluation of vesicoureteral reflux (VUR)
  • Hydronephrosis.
  • Enuresis.
  • Voiding dysfunction.
  • Incontinence.
  • Congenital genitourinary malformations and congenital conditions known to be associated with such malformations.

What is Urethrocystography?

Medical Definition of urethrocystography : radiography of the urethra and bladder that utilizes a radiopaque substance.

How does voiding work?

Voiding is the term for passing of urine. What is double voiding? Double voiding is a technique that may assist the bladder to empty more effectively when urine is left in the bladder. It involves passing urine more than once each time that you go to the toilet.

How long does a voiding Cystourethrogram take?

A VCUG takes about 30–60 minutes. The test is done in a special room with either an X-ray or ultrasound machine. Parents usually can stay with their child during the VCUG. A doctor also will be there, as well as either an ultrasound or X-ray technician.

Is MCU procedure painful?

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The catheter does not hurt but it may be a little uncomfortable while the tube goes in. This usually takes less than a minute. Once the tube is in, they will not be able to feel it. Although this is not painful children often find this part of the test distressing and may cry.