
What is mean by Paasam in English?

What is mean by Paasam in English?

Paasam. Paasam (lit. Affection) is a Tamil language film directed by T. R.

What is the synonym of satisfying?

Frequently Asked Questions About satisfy Some common synonyms of satisfy are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and repay. While all these words mean “to give money or its equivalent in return for something,” satisfy implies paying a person what is required by law.

What is real affection?

If you regard someone or something with affection, you like them and are fond of them.

Is affection stronger than love?

Love is stronger and deeper than affection. Affection is a mild feeling compared to love.

Is there a word satisfy?

1 : to make happy or contented Everyone was satisfied with the compromise. 2 : to meet the needs of The meal satisfied our hunger. 3 : convince We are satisfied the story is true.

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How do you text someone affection?

If you still don’t know where to start, here are some ideas to help you begin your own sweet text serenade.

  1. Express What You Wish You Were Doing.
  2. Let Them Know When You Think Of Them.
  3. Tell Them How They Make You Feel.
  4. Send Them Something Only They’d Understand.
  5. Lean Into The Cheesiness.
  6. Tell Them A Story.
  7. Send Them A Song.

What causes affection?

The need for affection arises because it makes us feel secure and wanted by another individual according to Your spouse fulfills a need for affection by showing you how much he or she needs you in their life. Affection is the proverbial glue that holds our different relationships together.

What is better than satisfy?

In this page you can discover 91 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for satisfied, like: content, at-ease, fascinated, persuaded, with enough of, convinced, quenched, contented, flattered, pacified and indemnified.

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What are different words for satisfy?

Some common synonyms of satisfy are compensate, indemnify, pay, recompense, reimburse, remunerate, and repay.