
What is meant by morphological and embryological marvels?

What is meant by morphological and embryological marvels?

Flowers are the organ of sexual reproduction in the case of plants. So, they are called as morphological marvels of plants. Embryologically they are the site of reproduction. They contain both anther and ovule. The ovule is the part that is fertilized.

Why are flowers morphological and embryological Marvel?

a) Flowers are morphological and embryological marvel and the site of sexual reproduction. b) The proximal end of the filament is attached to the thalamus or the petal of the flower. c) The number and length of stamens are variable in flowers of different species. d) stamen attached to the petal is epipetalous.

What is mean by morphological and embryological?

morphological:relating to the form of structure of a thing. embryological: the term of biology concerned with study of embryology.

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What is embryological data?

Embryological Data. What is Embryology? 1. The branch of biology that deals with the formation, early growth, and development of living organisms.

What is female gametophyte in angiosperms?

The female gametophyte, also referred to as the embryo sac or megagametophyte, develops within the ovule, which, in turn, is embedded within the ovary of the carpel. Among angiosperms, the female gametophyte has a variety of forms.

What is androecium and gynoecium?

Androecium and gynoecium are the two, opposite reproductive organs of the flower, the sexual reproductive structures in angiosperms. Androecium is also called stamens, which comprises of anther and filaments while gynoecium is also called the pistil or carpel, which comprises of stigma, style, and ovary.

What is Endothecium function?

The main function of endothecium is of production of pollen grains in anther. As a part of pollen development, the cell lining of anther lumens is called as endothecium. It secretes the material that are essential for the proper maturation of pollen grains in plants.

Which of the following are the morphological and embryological marvels in the angiosperms?

(A) Flowers are the morphological and embryological marvel and the site of sexual reproduction. (B) Anther are attached to the proximal end of the filament of stamen.

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What are morphological characters?

Shape/size/colour/etc are morphological characters of an organism or its specific parts. Morphology describes structural features. Explanation: Morphology is different from Physiology: the latter explains functional attributes. Both internal and external morphology are studied; internal morphology is termed Anatomy.

What is embryological evidence?

The study of one type of evidence of evolution is called embryology, the study of embryos. Many traits of one type of animal appear in the embryo of another type of animal. For example, fish embryos and human embryos both have gill slits. In fish they develop into gills, but in humans they disappear before birth.

What is embryology and embryogenesis?

Embryology is a branch of science that is related to the formation, growth, and development of embryo. It deals with the prenatal stage of development beginning from formation of gametes, fertilization, formation of zygote, development of embryo and fetus to the birth of a new individual.

What are Gametophytes and Sporophytes?

Both Gametophyte and Sporophyte are the two Generations of a plant. Gametophyte: Gameto means gametes and phyte means plants. The generation of plants that forms gametes is called gametophyte. Plants produce gametes with the help of their sex organs. The generation of plants that produce spores is called sporophyte.

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What is the meaning of embryology?

noun, plural em·bry·ol·o·gies. the science dealing with the formation, development, structure, and functional activities of embryos. the origin, growth, and development of an embryo: the embryology of the chick.

What is the claim to glory of the embryologist?

His true claim to glory rests upon embryological researches, which he was the first to undertake in a comparative way. In favour of this view are the following anatomical and embryological facts. These points, in view of our knowledge of embryological modifications, cannot be regarded as great difficulties to my view.

What is a good sentence for the word Marvel?

Examples of marvel in a Sentence Noun that new electric car really is a marvel Verb The doctors marveled that anyone could recover so quickly. Recent Examples on the Web: Noun The place is a marvel of indoor-landscape architecture, where temperature, light, and humidity are kept in a state of unchanging perfection.