
What is non-sensitive PII?

What is non-sensitive PII?

Non-sensitive PII is information that is public record (in phone books and online directories, for instance). The best way to determine the difference is sensitive data should be encrypted and would result in personal damage if lost or compromised, while non-sensitive data can be shared openly and freely.

What is sensitive PII?

Sensitive PII (SPII) is Personally Identifiable Information, which if lost, compromised, or disclosed without authorization, could result in substantial harm, embarrassment, inconvenience, or unfairness to an individual.

What are the two types of PII?

According to NIST, PII can be divided into two categories: linked and linkable information. Linked information is more direct. It could include any personal detail that can be used to identify an individual, for instance: Full name.

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What is PII and non-PII?

PII includes any information that can be used to re-identify anonymous data. Information that is anonymous and cannot be used to trace the identity of an individual is non-PII. Device IDs, cookies and IP addresses are not considered PII for most of the United States.

Is last 4 SSN PII?

A truncated SSN is the last four digits of an SSN. It is considered sensitive Personally Identifiable Information (PII), both stand-alone and when associated with any other identifiable information. Secure methods must be employed if needing to electronically transmit a truncated SSN.

What is not PII?

Non-PII data, is simply data that is anonymous. This data can not be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity such as their name, social security number, date and place of birth, bio-metric records etc. Non-PII data typically includes data collected by browsers and servers using cookies.

Is PII confidential or sensitive information?

Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is a category of sensitive information that is associated with an individual person, such as an employee, student, or donor. PII should be accessed only on a strictly need-to-know basis and handled and stored with care.

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What is not PII examples?

Info such as business phone numbers and race, religion, gender, workplace, and job titles are typically not considered PII. But they should still be treated as sensitive, linkable info because they could identify an individual when combined with other data.

What is non-sensitive information?

Non-sensitive personally identifiable information is easily accessible from public sources and can include your zip code, race, gender, and date of birth. Passports contain personally identifiable information. Social media sites may be considered non-sensitive personally identifiable information.

What is the difference between sensitive and confidential information?

Sensitive data is private information that must be protected from unauthorized access. Regulated data is always sensitive and always needs to be kept confidential — like social security numbers, bank account numbers or healthcare information.