
What is Oji Igbo?

What is Oji Igbo?

Oji Igbo has both spiritual essence and cultural essence. Spiritually, Oji Igbo is used to summon the fallen ancestors, the “chi”, the deities, and the Supreme God above. This is usually buttressed when after breaking the kola nut a lobe is thrown out to the compound which is meant to be the one for the spirits.

What is Oji Ugo?

The Igbos place an immeasurable value on kola nuts (especially cola acuminata). The cream coloured specie is exotic and commonly called champion cola (‘Oji Ugo’). It is highly valued among the Igbos, hence the saying oji ugo a na-echelu nwafo (a grade of kola nut preserved for the nobles).

What does kola nut do in the body?

Aid to digestion: Kola nut powder and extract may help digestion. They are thought to promote the production of gastric acid, which increases digestive enzyme effectiveness in the stomach. Increase in circulation: The caffeine and theobromine in the kola nut may speed up the heart rate, which increases circulation.

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How do you pray with kola nuts in Igbo land?

Usually, the oldest man among the host audience is asked to bless the kola nuts. He will take one of the nuts in his right hand and makes a blessing, prayer or toast using a proverb, e.g. ‘Ihe dï mma onye n’achö, ö ga-afü ya. ‘

What do Kolanuts symbolize?

Kola nut comes from a plant which grows as a big tree in the tropical forests of West Africa. The kola nut is given as a symbol of hospitality, friendship and respect; and is presented to guests at important social events such as weddings, funerals, and infant naming ceremonies; as well as for medicinal purposes.

Can a pregnant take bitter kola?

Bitter kola contains nutrients and vitamins good for pregnancy. For Africans, bitter kola is the best supplement for pregnant women. Health benefits of bitter kola include treating nausea and vomiting, making uterus healthier, strengthening pregnant women and normalizing blood circulation in pregnant women.