
What is OPC and Ggbs?

What is OPC and Ggbs?

Ordinary portland cement (OPC) has been traditionally used in the construction of concrete silos in Ireland. However, the aggressive nature of the effluent produced by silage leads to severe degradation of the concrete. GGBS is a common addition to PC composites.

How does Ggbs react with cement?

The GGBS particles get activated by the alkali present in the cement and form their own hydration products. Some of the hydration products of GGBS react with Portland cement again to form hydrates which tend to block the pores. This results in a cement paste with very fine gel pores.

In which cases would it be beneficial to use Ggbs in concrete construction?

To develop ultra high-performance concrete, higher cement content (>600kg/m3) is required, which in turn, results in higher heat of hydration. To overcome this and to increase durability, cementitious materials such as GGBS can be used as the partial replacement for the \% cement volume.

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What is Ggbs in construction?

GGBS (Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag) is a cementitious material whose main use is in concrete and is a by-product from the blast-furnaces used to make iron. This ‘granulated’ slag is then dried and ground to a fine powder.

Is code for Ggbs in concrete?

As per IS 9013-1978 code book method of making, curing and determining compressive strength of accelerated cured concrete test specimens are done only for plain concrete. In early ages of 1982 there is no awareness of using Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBS), Fly ash and Silica fume.

Where is Ggbs used?

Two major uses of GGBS are in the production of quality-improved slag cement, namely Portland Blastfurnace cement (PBFC) and high-slag blast-furnace cement (HSBFC), with GGBS content ranging typically from 30 to 70\%; and in the production of ready-mixed or site-batched durable concrete.

What is the maximum percentage of Ggbs in concrete?

The maximum GGBS content which can be used is 25-65 \% [11]. The percentages of GGBS (25\%, 35\%, 45\%, 55\%, 60\%) will be replaced from the total amount of cement and fly ash (which was obtained as constant).

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Does Ggbs make concrete stronger?

Strength gain in GGBS concrete Typically the 7-day strength of a ggbs concrete will be 55-65\% of the 28-day strength compared to 70-80\% for a similar CEM I Portland cement concrete. The reduction in early-strength will be more noticeable at high GGBS levels and low temperatures.