
What is PQR and WPS?

What is PQR and WPS?

A Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) is the record of the actual weld test parameters used.It is the founding document as far as procedures are concerned and is used to produce welding procedure specification sheets (WPS) for production welds. It is company dependent and never expires.

What does WPQ mean in welding?

Welder Performance Qualifications (WPQ’s) can be thought of as “what was done by a specific welder and what that qualifies the welder to” regarding welding. There will typically be at least one WPQ for every PQR. Generally, there will be more WPQ’s than any other document type.

What is a WPQ?

A Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) is a test certificate that shows whether a welder possesses the necessary experience and knowledge to perform the specifications of a particular weld procedure.

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What Pqr means?

The procedures for creating and testing the sample welds, as well as the final results, are documented on a Procedure Qualification Record, or PQR. In short, a PQR serves as evidence that a given WPS can, in fact, be used to produce an acceptable weld.

Which comes first WPS or PQR?

In simple terms: The WPS is written from the PQR. A PQR comes before a WPS.

Why PQR is required?

This initial procedure is used to create a series of welds which are then mechanically tested to ensure they meet all applicable requirements. In short, a PQR serves as evidence that a given WPS can, in fact, be used to produce an acceptable weld.

Which comes first Pqr or WPS?

Can we revise PQR?

Anything can be changed/corrected as long as the proper procedures are followed and documented. Management can make changes, but assumes all responsibility for the change. Small things like spelling mistakes or BPQR not BPWR is a non-issue. Things that may jeopardize the outputs of the PQR is something more serious.