
What is PRN number in Pune university?

What is PRN number in Pune university?

Permanent Registration Number
PRN: (Permanent Registration Number) This number is allotted to a student when he/she first appears for university exam. This number is must for creating profile. This number is printed on student’s university mark sheet.

How do I find my 16 digit PRN number?

When we fill online application form for admission to any course, our data is registered and stored by the system/software and after scrutiny of our eligibility and if found eligible our admission is confirmed and we are allotted a sixteen digit number which is called PRN i.e. Permanent Registration Number.

What is PRN in admission?

Permanent Registration Number (PRN)

What is PRN validity?

, B.E from Savitribai Phule Pune University (2019) PRN is Permanent Resignation number . If you are at First Year then your PRN not created yet after First Year or First Semester you get your PRN From University Or Institute.

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How do I apply for PRN?

How to get PRN number SSS online for voluntary

  1. Visit the SSS portal.
  2. Log into the portal.
  3. Select the PRN link on the menu.
  4. Click the generate PRN button.
  5. Select your membership type: in this case, voluntary.
  6. Choose the applicable contribution period.
  7. Enter the monthly contribution from the select premium drop-down menu.

What is full form of PRN?

Pro re nata
Pro re nata/Full name
p.r.n.: Abbreviation meaning “when necessary” (from the Latin “pro re nata”, for an occasion that has arisen, as circumstances require, as needed).

What is PRN full form?

Pro re nata/Full name

How can I know my seat number in Pune University?

Download the Pune University Exam Hall Ticket 2021 @

  1. Students firstly open the main site of the
  2. Under there check for the Pune University Hall Ticket 2021.
  3. Now hit on that link.
  4. Then after giving the login details of the students like Hall Ticket Number.
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How do I pay my SPPU exam fees?

How to Pay Exam Form Fee?

  1. SPPU Website :
  2. Exam Form Link :
  3. Students Profile System Log in :
  4. Exam Form Inward by Online Payment User Manual : Click To View PDF.
  5. Inward Exam Form Here : Click To Inward Applicaton.