
What is Prulife fund value?

What is Prulife fund value?

Fund value – the accumulated amount of cash that you can potentially earn over a period of time from the investment component of your investment-linked life insurance plan. Rider – optional benefits that you can attach to your life insurance plan to expand your coverage.

What is Prulife exact protector?

PRUlink exact protector (PEP) is a limited-pay investment-linked life insurance product that provides living, disability, and death benefits through its protection and investment components.

How long do you have to pay Prulife insurance?

Pay for your plan in 15 years.

Can I withdraw my money from Pru Life?

To request for a partial withdrawal, submit a duly accomplished and signed PRULink Application for Withdrawal Form with consent of irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any, and a valid government-issued ID to your agent or any Pru Life UK customer center near you.

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Can I withdraw my Vul?

Just like Rod, a VUL policyholder can access the fund value in case of financial need. Unlike in traditional policies, this is treated as a withdrawal rather than a loan. Thus, the amount withdrawn does not incur any interest. Better yet, the amount withdrawn is not deducted from the face amount.

How much is the total minimum peso premium of Pru Elite protector 5?

Aimed at meeting both protection and investment needs, Elite 5 has a short paying period of five years, with higher premium allocations that allow for faster fund accumulation. It is available in both peso and dollar denominations, with a minimum premium of PhP 200,000 or USD 4,500.

What is VL rider?

Variable Life Rider – an optional benefit you can attach to select traditional life insurance products to add an investment component. This benefit is included by default to PRUMax Invest.

How do I cancel my Prulife policy?

To surrender your policy, you can visit any of our branches with the following documents:

  1. Surrender form.
  2. Policy document.
  3. A signed copy of the photo identity proof of the policy-holder, i.e. PAN card, Aadhaar card etc.
  4. Cancelled cheque of the bank account in which you wish to receive the surrender amount.
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How do I repay my prudential loan?

  1. Log in to iPay.
  2. Select Make payment via iPay.
  3. Select your desired Policy Number(s) and verify the payment amount.
  4. Select Credit card as the payment method.
  5. iPay will redirect you to credit card payment page. Please proceed to enter your credit card details.
  6. Enter the OTP sent from bank to complete the transaction.