
What is Python Sphinx used for?

What is Python Sphinx used for?

Sphinx is a tool to build documents from the code. It supports many programming languages, and it is widely used in Python projects, including the official Python website. The official website of Sphinx provides much useful information and reference.

How do I use Sphinx on GitHub pages?

Steps to enable GitHub pages:

  1. Go to your GitHub repository.
  2. Open the Settings tab and select Pages from the sidebar.
  3. From the source section, select the branch wherever you have pushed the documentation code.
  4. Ideally, you could create a separate branch for your documentation say gh-pages or any name you see fit.

Is Sphinx good for documentation?

Sphinx is a powerful documentation generator that has many great features for writing technical documentation including: Generate web pages, printable PDFs, documents for e-readers (ePub), and more all from the same sources. You can use reStructuredText or Markdown to write documentation.

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Who uses Sphinx?

The companies using Sphinx are most often found in United States and in the Computer Software industry. Sphinx is most often used by companies with 10-50 employees and 1M-10M dollars in revenue….Who uses Sphinx?

Company Internet Brands, Inc.
Country India
Revenue 10M-50M
Company Size 50-200
Company Gartner, Inc.

Why is Sphinx important?

The Great Sphinx at Giza, near Cairo, is probably the most famous sculpture in the world. With a lion’s body and a human head, it represents Ra-Horakhty, a form of the powerful sun god, and is the incarnation of royal power and the protector of the temple doors.

Can GitHub Pages run python?

In general this is not possible, Github (pages) serves only static content (ex: HTML, CSS, JS). If you want python to run (ex generate dynamic content) you need a web server capable of running python (your browser were the contents of GitHub Pages get downloaded and run can’t do it).

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How do you use Sphinx markdown?

To configure your Sphinx project for Markdown support, proceed as follows:

  1. Install the Markdown parser MyST-Parser:
  2. Add myst_parser to the list of configured extensions :
  3. If you want to use Markdown files with extensions other than .md , adjust the source_suffix variable.

Is Sphinx only for Python?

Conclusion. I hope that this shows you how Sphinx can be used for documentation all kinds of software, not just Python. It is a fantastically powerful documentation tool, and you shouldn’t discard it without looking at it closely.

How do I host a python file on GitHub?

To publish your Python project on GitHub:

  1. Create a GitHub account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Create a new repo for your project.
  3. On the newly created repo page, click “Manage topics” and add the tags “python” and “python3” and/or “python2” as appropriate.

Why is the Sphinx important?