
What is QOC design rationale?

What is QOC design rationale?

Design Space Analysis is an approach to representing design rationale. It uses a semiformal notation, called QOC (Questions, Options, and Criteria), to represent the design space around an artifact.

How do you write a rationale for a design?

Tips for Writing Your Design Rationale

  1. Describe the process. The rationale should explain the designer’s concept and process.
  2. Support your work.
  3. Sell yourself!
  4. Choices, choices, choices.
  5. Stop, collaborate and credit.
  6. Brave new work.
  7. Tell us your story.

Which one is the type of design rationale DR?

One type of documentation that is often only recorded informally, if recorded at all, is design rationale (DR) – the reasons behind the design decisions and, in some cases, a record of what decisions were not made and why.

Who proposed the design space analysis?

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201-250. MacLean, A., Bellotti, V. & Shum, S. (1993) Developing the Design Space with Design Space Analysis.

What is Qoc in HCI?

It uses a semiformal notation, called QOC (Questions, Options, and Criteria), to represent the design space around an artifact. The main constituents of QOC are Questions identifying key design issues, Options providing possible answers to the Questions, and Criteria for assessing and comparing the Options.

What is psychological design rationale?

A psychological design rationale proceeds by having the designers of the system record what they believe are the tasks that the system should support and then build- ing the system to support the tasks. The designers suggest scenarios for the tasks which will be used to observe new users of the system.

What is an example of a rationale?

A decision rationale describes the reasons for a decision. For example, a decision to reject a business plan may explain the risks or shortcomings of the plan. The business plan was rejected because the business model created value for customers by creating large risks for us.

How do you explain a rationale?

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A rationale is when you are asked to give the reasoning or justification for an action or a choice you make. There is a focus on the ‘why’ in a rationale: why you chose to do something, study or focus on something. It is a set of statements of purpose and significance and often addresses a gap or a need.

What is a rationale example?

What is Concept rationale?

What is design space HCI?

From an HCI perspective [1], a design space is a tool that signals the different possibilities for designing a certain type of artefacts, supporting and augmenting the design practice. A design space supports the creation of new artefacts along the lines of a set of dimensions for which it proposes multiple values.

What is a design rationale and why is it important?

Overview. A design rationale is the explicit listing of decisions made during a design process, and the reasons why those decisions were made. Its primary goal is to support designers by providing a means to record and communicate the argumentation and reasoning behind the design process.

Is the structure of a QOC’s structure critical to its reusability?

The general conclusion is that the coherence of a QOC’s structure is critical to its reusability, but that this requirement is in tension with its semiformality; this is particularly the case with DR approaches which focus on representing the deliberation process , rather than the structure of its content.

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Is there a cognitive task model of the QOC retrieval process?

A cognitive task model of the QOC retrieval process is developed as an analytic framework; . Errors in specifying QOC browsers are traced in the task model to different sources; . Multiple representations of the QOC are necessary to support different kinds of queries; tools could compute virtual structures to map relations between them; .

What is designdesign rationale and why is it important?

Design rationale is provided by the UI team to the project head and is extremely important while approving interface design where two distinct layers overlap invisibly. Creative theme and usability standards.

What is the design rationale for interfaces?

Design rationale is extremely important while designing interfaces where two distinct layers overlap invisibly. Creative theme and usability standards. A thin line exists between objective and subjective design rationale for interfaces.