
What is R & R leave?

What is R & R leave?

Definition: R & R is a five-day of leave with full pay granted to eligible individuals required to work for extended periods at the duty stations under hazardous, stressful and difficult conditions.

What does R&R stand for in the military?

Rest and Recuperation (R&R) Leave Program provides U.S. servicemembers and DoD civilians deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom for at least 270 days “boots on the ground” in designated locations of Djibouti and Somalia the opportunity to take 15 days of chargeable leave during their deployment, at the …

Is RR leave chargeable?

R&R leave is chargeable to the service member’s accrued leave and is described in paragraph 1. j(9) of enclosure 2, DoD Instruction 1327.06. longer consecutive period of leave between enlistment periods. Reenlistment leave may include advance leave and is chargeable to the service member’s accrued leave.

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What does it mean when a soldier goes on leave?

In military forces, leave is a permission to be away from one’s unit, either for a specified or unspecified period of time. The term AWOL, standing for absent without leave, is a term for desertion used in the armed forces of many English-speaking countries.

What is rest and recuperation?

Rest and recuperation is a means by which staff members and other eligible individuals can take regular authorized time off to leave the duty station approved for rest and recuperation purposes in order to be given a break from the dangerous, stressful, isolated working and living conditions under which they serve.

How much leave do you get before deployment?

deployment (i.e., deployment within seven or less days of notice). You may take leave for up to seven calendar days, beginning on the day the military member receives notice of deployment, to attend to any issue arising from the short-notice deployment. military member’s covered active duty.