
What is required to create an explosion?

What is required to create an explosion?

To create a simple explosion requires three essential ingredients: a means of ignition, a fuel source, and oxygen to support the rapid combustion, which, if confined, will produce an explosion.

How do you contain hazardous materials?

How to Store and Dispose of Hazardous Chemical Waste

  1. Is it “hazardous” or “extremely hazardous”?
  2. Designate a hazardous waste storage area.
  3. Select compatible containers.
  4. Tag every waste container.
  5. Liquid waste requirements.
  6. Dry, solid waste requirements.
  7. Empty containers.
  8. “Unknowns” or unidentified chemical waste.

What are the chemicals used in making bombs?


Explosives Based on Nitrogen Formula wt \% C
Ammonium nitrate (AN) H4N2O3 0
Ammonium picrate (Expl D) C6H6N4O7 29.28
Cyclonite (RDX) C3H6N6O6 16.22
Ethylenediamine dinitrate C2H10N4O6 12.91

When responding to an incident where explosive materials are suspected?

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When responding to an incident where explosive materials are suspected, it is safe to use wireless communication devices. Electrically initiated Improvised Explosive Devices (IED) generally consist of four components.

What supports the chemical reaction that produces fires and explosions?

A fire occurs when there is chemical reaction of a substance (fuel) combining with an oxidizer to release energy in the form of heat or light. If sufficient heat energy is produced the reaction becomes self-sustaining.

How is hazardous waste identified?

The four characteristics of hazardous waste are: ignitability • corrosivity • reactivity • toxicity.

Where can you find information about hazardous products?

Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) are summary documents that provide information about the hazards of a product and advice about safety precautions. SDSs are usually written by the manufacturer or supplier of the product.