
What is resource management and sustainable development?

What is resource management and sustainable development?

Sustainable resource management means managing resources in a way that their sources are not depleted; so that the future generations can also benefit from it. A renewable resource can be used again and again, so is more sustainable, eg water, wind, wood, sun and wave energy.

What is the concept of sustainable resource use?

The research focus of «Sustainable Resource Use» is on promoting efficient and sustainable use of natural resources in order to secure the availability of food, animal feed and renewable raw materials while maintaining soil fertility and the supply of clean drinking water.

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How do you explain the concept of sustainable development?

The concept of sustainable development was described by the 1987 Bruntland Commission Report as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

What is the meaning of sustainable management?

From this definition, sustainable management has been created to be defined as the application of sustainable practices in the categories of businesses, agriculture, society, environment, and personal life by managing them in a way that will benefit current generations and future generations. …

How is sustainable development useful in natural resource management?

Useful in natural resource management : 1) Sustainable development ensures the judicial management of natural resources. 2) It helps in optimum utilization of alternative resources and renewable resources. 3) Thus it helps in decreasing the ever increasing demand for fossil fuels and non-renewable resources.

How is sustainable development important for resource management?

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What is meant by sustainable development of resources Why is it needed?

The goal of sustainable development is to provide resources for the use of present populations without compromising the availability of those resources for future generations, and without causing environmental damage that challenges the survival of other species and natural ecosystems.

What are the 3 concepts in sustainable development?

Throughout the evolution of the concept of “sustainable development” there was consensus on the fact that it does not focus solely on environmental issues. The three interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars are: economic development, social development, and environmental protection.

What is the concept of sustainable development class 10?

The two examples of sustainable development are: 1….Give 2 Examples of Sustainable Development.

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What is the difference between sustainable development and sustainable management?

Sustainability is a broad term that describes managing resources without depleting them for future generations. Sustainable development describes the processes for improving long-term economic well-being and quality of life without compromising future generations’ ability to meet their needs.