
What is rich Internet application with example?

What is rich Internet application with example?

Rich Internet applications: The tools Adobe Flash, Flex and Adobe Integrated Runtime (AIR) Microsoft Silverlight. Curl (an object-oriented language with embedded HTML markup) Google Gears.

Which framework is used for website?

What is a web framework?

Front-end Frameworks Back-end Frameworks
Frontend Languages – HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery Backend Languages – Python, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby, .NET
Frontend Frameworks- React, Vue, BootStrap, Ember, Angular Backend frameworks- Django, Ruby On Rails, Express, Spring, ASP.NET Core

Is flask a good framework?

“A Great web framework for Python” From apps, to backend APIs Flask can be used effectively. Beginners in python can easily learn Flask. large amount of python packages and libraries and good community of developers makes Flask a easy to pick web framework.

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What is Java Web frameworks?

A Java framework is specific to the Java programming language, used as a platform for developing software applications and Java programs. Java frameworks may include predefined classes and functions used to process, input, and manage hardware devices, as well as interact with system software.

What is Rich Internet Application Architecture?

RIA (Rich Internet Applications) are a special breed of web applications where the user interface has much richer functionality than what the first and second generation web applications. RIA user interfaces are typically developed using HTML5 + JavaScript + CSS3, Flex (Flash), JavaFX, GWT, Dart or some other RIA tool.

What are the characteristics of a rich internet application?

The distinguishing characteristics of RIAs are related to technological features used to build this kind of web applications. These features are data distribution, distribution of page computation, asynchronous communication between client and server and enhanced user interface behaviour.

How do I select a web application framework?

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Let’s get started right away!

  1. Usage Context. Before you even start looking at a frameworks, you’ll need to make a list of your requirements and whether a framework is suitable for that purpose.
  2. License.
  3. Software Pattern.
  4. Hosting Requirements.
  5. Ease of Installation.
  6. Learning Curve.
  7. Core Library.
  8. DB Abstraction and ORM.