
What is RTU license?

What is RTU license?

The introduction of right-to-use (RTU) licensing allows you to order and activate a specific license type and level via command line. The default license is a lanbase RTU permanent license.

How do I enable my Ipbase license?

To activate image based licenses, complete the following task:

  2. license right-to-use activate{ipbase| ipservices|lanbase} [ all|
  3. evaluation|slotslot-number][acceptEULA]
  4. reload [ LINE | at | cancel | in | slot stack-member-number | standby-cpu ]
  5. show license right-to-use usage [ slot slot-number ]

How do I enable Cisco Smart license?

You can access the CSSM on, by clicking the Smart Software Licensing link under the License tab. Use a Chrome 32.0, Firefox 25.0, or Safari 6.0. 5 web browser to access CSSM. Also, ensure that Javascript 1.5 or a later version is enabled in your browser.

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What is Cisco IP Base license?

IP Base is a baseline enterprise services license for the 3560-X and 3750-X switches with dynamic routing support.

How do I accept EULA in Cisco license?

To accept the end-user license agreement (EULA) for all Cisco IOS software packages and features at one time, use the license accept end user agreement command in global configuration mode. This command has no arguments or keywords. EULA is not accepted.

Do you need a license to use a Cisco switch?

without a license. The licensing model for the Cisco NX-OS software is feature-based. Feature-based licenses make features available to the entire physical switch.

What is Cisco Smart licensing?

Smart Licensing is a system that consists of a license manager on a Cisco IOS XE device that manages licenses for various software and hardware features. The software features on the router use the license manager APIs to check out and release licenses. Licenses are stored in persistent storage on the router.

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How does Cisco licensing work?

Traditionally, Cisco licensing has offered a perpetual licensing model in which you buy once and keep the license through the life of the hardware. The software features you buy on top of the hardware are licensed separately and require their own support contract.

How do I register my Cisco license?

In your web browser, go to the Cisco Product License Registration website: Enter your Product Authorization Key (PAK). Click “Fulfill Single PAK” to continue.

Does IP base support OSPF?

Looked at 12.2(55)SE4 and IP Base has OSPF supported as well.

What is the difference between Ipbase and Ipservices?

The IP base is for the Standard Multilayer Software Image (SMI) switches, and the IP services image is for the Enhanced Standard Multilayer Software Image (EMI) switches in Cisco IOS Software Release 12.2(25)SEB and later.