
What is scattering boundary condition?

What is scattering boundary condition?

Scattering boundary conditions (SCB) are available in the comsol’s Electromagnetic wave, frequency domain physics. This is basically a boundary condition that allows the waves to go through it without causing any reflection, hence, not interrupting your results.

What is periodic boundary conditions in Comsol?

Use periodic boundary conditions to make the solution equal on two different (but usually equally shaped) boundaries. The periodic boundary condition typically implements standard periodicity so that u(x0) = u(x1) (that is, the value of the solution is the same on the periodic boundaries).

What is perfectly matched layer in Comsol?

The perfectly matched layer (PML) is a domain or layer (sometimes called sponge layer) that is added to an acoustic model to mimic an open and nonreflecting infinite domain. It sets up a perfectly absorbing domain as an alternative to nonreflecting boundary conditions.

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How thick should PML be?

The PML will always be “one-wavelength” thick per default, you should just take care how you mesh it. They suggested using mapped-quadratic elements and make sure you have between 1-10 elements across the thickness of the PML.

What is Floquet boundary condition?

Likewise, the Floquet boundary conditions enable analysis of waveguides with periodicity and have been an integral part of the development of metamaterials. The nuances of using periodic boundary conditions for homogeneous waveguides that do not exhibit periodicity are discussed.

What is sound soft boundary?

Sound Soft Boundary. The Sound Soft Boundary adds a boundary condition for a sound soft boundary, where the acoustic pressure vanishes: pt = 0. It is an appropriate approximation for a liquid-gas interface and in some cases for external waveguide ports. For modeling detailed port behavior use the Port condition.

What is PML scaling factor?

• The PML scaling factor multiplies the typical wavelength to produce an effective scaled width for the PML.

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What is PML in FDTD?

A perfectly matched layer (PML) is an artificial absorbing layer for wave equations, commonly used to truncate computational regions in numerical methods to simulate problems with open boundaries, especially in the FDTD and FE methods.

What are Floquet modes?

Fundamentally, Floquet modes are plane waves with propagation direction set by the frequency, phasing, and geometry of the periodic structure. Just like Wave modes, Floquet modes too have propagation constants and experi-ence cut-off at low fre- quency.

What are Floquet states?

Floquet theory is a branch of the theory of ordinary differential equations relating to the class of solutions to periodic linear differential equations of the form. with a piecewise continuous periodic function with period. and defines the state of the stability of solutions.

What is sound hard boundary?

The Interior Sound Hard Boundary (Wall) sets up a wall condition on an interior boundary. Add this node from the Interior Conditions submenu. The pressure is discontinuous across this boundary. See also Postprocessing BEM Results in the Modeling with the Pressure Acoustics Branch (BEM-Based Interface) section.

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What is PML in Comsol?