
What is selectivity of a radio receiver?

What is selectivity of a radio receiver?

The selectivity of a radio receiver is the characteristic of the receiver which determines the extent to which the receiver is capable of distinguishing between a signal, that is a signal in a channel to which the radio receiver is tuned, and other signals, that is, signals in channels to which the receiver is not …

How is receiver selectivity measured?

The Selectivity Measurement Receiver is its ability to reject, (adjacent) unwanted signals. Selectivity is measured at the end of a sensitivity test under the same conditions, except that now the frequency of the generator is varied to either side of the frequency to which the receiver is tuned.

What is frequency selectivity in communication?

Fig1: Selectivity. The selectivity of an AM receiver is defined as its ability to accept or select the desired band of frequency and reject all other unwanted frequencies which can be interfering signals. Adjacent channel rejection of the receiver can be obtained from the selectivity parameter.

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What’s the definition of selectivity?

1 : of, relating to, or characterized by selection : selecting or tending to select. 2 : highly specific in activity or effect selective pesticides selective absorption.

What is specificity and selectivity?

The key difference between specificity and selectivity is that specificity is the ability to assess the exact component in a mixture, whereas selectivity is the ability to differentiate the components in a mixture from each other.

What is meant by selectivity in relation to protective devices?

What is “selectivity”? Complete selectivity means that the protective devices will minimize effect of a short circuit or other undesirable event on the power system. The amount of the power system that must be shut down in response to the event is kept to the absolute minimum.

What is selectivity of a method?

One clear definition is the following: “Selectivity of a method refers to the extent to which it can determine particular analyte(s) in a complex mixture without interference from other components in the mixture” [1]. However, the same meaning has often been given to the term “specificity” [2].

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What is selectivity analysis?

The recommended definition of Selectivity is: Selectivity refers to the extent to which the method can be used to determine particular analytes in mixtures or matrices without interferences from other components of similar behavior.