
What is something that has no color?

What is something that has no color?

What is another word for without color?

monochrome colourlessUK
greyscaleUK toneless
uncolored neutral
achromatic achromic
drab dull

Is there such thing as no color?

Yes. Everything outside of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye is “no color”.

Can things be colorless?

Objects that appear colourless are usually a material that is not dense enough for the molecular structure to effect light in a manor that is detectable by our eyes. Most gas is colourless because it is not dense enough. Water appears colourless in small quantities but a significant depth of water will appear blue.

What is a word for no color?

Definition of colorless : lacking color: such as. a : pallid, blanched a colorless complexion.

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What is a etiolated?

1 : to bleach and alter the natural development of (a green plant) by excluding sunlight. 2a : to make pale. b : to deprive of natural vigor : make feeble.

Does blue really exist?

Blue is a very prominent colour on earth. But when it comes to nature, blue is very rare. Less than 1 in 10 plants have blue flowers and far fewer animals are blue. For plants, blue is achieved by mixing naturally occurring pigments, very much as an artist would mix colours.

Is Black colorless?

Explanation: When there is no light, everything is black. Light appears colorless or white. Sunlight is white light that is composed of all the colors of the spectrum.

What is the meaning of chlorotic?

1 : an iron-deficiency anemia especially of adolescent girls that may impart a greenish tint to the skin. — called also greensickness. 2 : a diseased condition in green plants marked by yellowing or blanching.

What does Etoliated mean?

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adjective. 1. botany. whitened through lack of sunlight. etoliated leaves.