
What is state-sponsored malware?

What is state-sponsored malware?

Malware, short for “malicious software,” is software that is used to disrupt computer operation, gather sensitive information, or gain access to private computer systems. States and state-supporting actors also use malware to spy on activists, journalists, and dissidents. …

Is ransomware state-sponsored?

State-sponsored ransomware attacks are cyberattacks which are either funded by a government or executed by its agencies primarily for the purpose of monetary gain. These ransomware attacks are just state-sponsored piracy in a new domain.

How does malware analysis work?

There are two ways to approach the malware analysis process — using static analysis or dynamic analysis. With static analysis, the malware sample is examined without detonating it, whereas, with dynamic analysis, the malware is actually executed in a controlled, isolated environment.

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What it takes to be a malware analyst?

Malware analysts need a bachelor’s degree in computer science, cybersecurity or a related field. A graduate degree is usually not necessary.

What is a state-sponsored attacker?

State-sponsored Attacker State-sponsored attackers have particular objectives aligned with either the political, commercial or military interests of their country of origin. These type of attackers are not in a hurry.

What is an objective of state-sponsored attackers?

State-sponsored actors will rarely make a lot of noise and cause sufficient disruption to warrant suspicion or trigger detection. Their objectives are to remain persistent to retain oversight of communications, or access to sensitive data.

What is LockBit ransomware?

Discovered by MalwareHunterTeam, LockBit is a ransomware program. Malicious software under this classification is designed to encrypt data. The cyber criminals behind the infection demand ransom payments for decryption tools/software. During the encryption process, LockBit renames files with the “. abcd” extension.

What is a hacktivist group?

For a hacktivism definition, it’s a portmanteau of the words hacking and activism. And that’s the premise of hacktivism: carrying out hacking attacks as a form of activism. So, you might think of hacktivism as online activism, digital activism, or cyberactivism.

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How do you Analyse a malware protect it?

Four Stages of Malware Analysis

  1. Fully-automated analysis: One of the simplest ways to assess a suspicious program is to scan it with fully-automated tools.
  2. Static properties analysis: In order to get a more in depth look at malware, it is imperative to look at its static properties.

How do you Analyse malware and protect it in operating system?

Static malware analysis: Static or Code Analysis is usually performed by dissecting the different resources of the binary file without executing it and studying each component. The binary file can also be disassembled (or reverse engineered) using a disassembler such as IDA or Ghidra.

What is the salary of malware analyst?

The national average salary for a Malware Analyst is ₹4,66,187 in India.