
What is strong and weak ligand?

What is strong and weak ligand?

Ligands that produce a large splitting are called strong field ligands, and those that produce a small splitting are called weak field ligands.

What is ligand strength?

Ligand strength affects how the electrons fill these orbitals. When surrounded by weak-field ligands, electrons fill the orbitals as normal: one electron fills each orbital before a second joins in. These complexes have high spin.

What makes a ligand weak?

It depends on the central atom , cordination number , oxidation state. If cordination number is 6 (octahedral) and having +2 oxidation state then it is weak ligand and in +3 oxidation state it is strong ligand. If cordination number is 4 (tetrahedral) then it is weak ligand.

What makes a good ligand?

Lewis bases are ligands with lesser electronegativity; hence will they will be stronger. Therefore, oxygen or halogen donors are weak field ligands and the ones in which nitrogen or carbon atom is the donor are strong field ligands.

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Which is strongest ligand?

According to this series $CO$ is the strongest ligand among the following because carbon is donor in this, it has double bond $(C = O)$ and is positively charged. Note: The strength of any ligand is determined by the amount of crystal field energy (CFT).

Which of the following is the strongest ligand?

According to this series $CO$ is the strongest ligand among the following because carbon is donor in this, it has double bond $(C = O)$ and is positively charged.

Why is CO the strongest ligand?

CO is a ligand that has vacant pi orbitals that creates a large extent of splitting in the d orbitals of the metal atom, this makes them a strong ligand. So, CO has $\pi $- bonds that makes it a strong ligand due to more splitting.

Why is CN a strong field ligand?

it forms high spin complexes with metal species.

Why is CO A strong ligand?