
What is the amount of work done in moving a point charge around a circular arc of radius r at the?

What is the amount of work done in moving a point charge around a circular arc of radius r at the?

Note: While solving this problem, most of the students can interpret the angle between the centripetal force and the displacement. It is important to remember that the centripetal force experienced by the charge which is moving in circular motion, is directed inwards.

What is the amount of work done in moving a point charge of 4?

The correct answer is 40 J.

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What is the work done in moving charge from one point to another on the circumference of a circle having another charge at centre?

The work done is moving a charge along any circular path is zero.

What will be the work of moving a point charge in one complete circular path in an external electric field?

In one complete circular initial and final positions are same. So net displacement is zero. So work done is also Zero.

What is the amount of work done in moving a charge?

The potential difference is defined as the work done to move a unit charge from one point to another.

What is work done of point charge?

Work done for point charges is the amount of energy required to move a charge from one point to another. An electrostatic field is the physical field that is supposed to surround an electrically charged particle.

What is the amount of work done?

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Those three quantities are force, displacement and the angle between the force and the displacement. The work is subsequently calculated as force•displacement•cosine(theta) where theta is the angle between the force and the displacement vectors.

How much work is done in moving a charge of 2c across?

Hence, the work done in moving a charge of 2c across the two points having a potential difference is 12V is 24J.

How much work is done in moving a charge of 3c?

Hence, the work done in moving the charge is 45 J.

What is the work done in moving a test charge q?

At every point on equatorial axis, the potential is zero, so work done W = qΔV = 0(zero).

How much work is done by the electrostatic force on the moving point charge?

The amount of work done by the electrostatic force on the moving point charge is expressed as kq1q2{[1/sqrt (x22 + y22)] – 1/x1}.

How do you calculate the amount of work done?

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Work can be calculated with the equation: Work = Force × Distance. The SI unit for work is the joule (J), or Newton • meter (N • m). One joule equals the amount of work that is done when 1 N of force moves an object over a distance of 1 m.