
What is the area code of BGC?

What is the area code of BGC?

Bonifacio Global City/Area codes

Is zip and postal code the same?

The two codes are essentially the same in their purpose, but the term Zip code is mainly used in the USA; Postal Code is commonly used in other countries.

What zip code is 1630?

Taguig City is located in National Capital Region (NCR), . Its zip code is 1630.

What is the zip code of Taguig bagumbayan?

Bagumbayan, Taguig City, National Capital Region (NCR) is located in Philippines. Its zip code is 1630.

What is Paranaque zip code?

Parañaque/Zip codes

What is US postcode?

A ZIP code is the term used to describe the postal code system in the United States. It is a series of numbers that communicates information about people within different geographic groupings. There are two ZIP code systems within the United States, ZIP and ZIP+4.

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What is the zip code of Katuparan Taguig City?

Katuparan, Taguig City, National Capital Region (NCR): 1630 Katuparan, Taguig City, National Capital Region (NCR) is located in Philippines. Its zip code is 1630.

What is the zip code of Muntinlupa?

Muntinlupa/Zip codes

What is the zip code of Moonwalk Paranaque City?

Paranaque City Postal or Zip Code

Location ZIP Code Phone Area Code
Moonwalk Subdivision 1709 2
South Admiral Village 1709 2
Santo Niño 1704 2
Tambo 1701 2

What is the province of Paranaque City?

It is bordered to the north by Pasay, to the northeast by Taguig, to the southeast by Muntinlupa, to the southwest by Las Piñas, and to the west by Manila Bay….

Country Philippines
Region National Capital Region
Province none
District 1st and 2nd district

How do I know my postcode? To find a zip code with, you need to fill in the fields with your USA street address, city, and state. Then click Find and you’ll get your postal code.