
What is the best book to read about Gandhi?

What is the best book to read about Gandhi?

8 Books on Mahatma Gandhi every Indian should read

  • 01/9The Mahatma and his life.
  • 02/9​’The Story of my Experiments with Truth’ by Mahatma Gandhi.
  • 03/9’Gandhi before India’ by Ramachandra Guha.
  • 04/9​My Dear Bapu: Letters from C.
  • 05/9’The Good Boatman’ by Rajmohan Gandhi.
  • 06/9​’Gandhi: Prisoner of Hope’ by Judith M.

Which book impressed Gandhiji?

Ruskin, the English thinker, was perhaps the most powerful source of inspiration when Gandhi himself described Ruskin’s book, “Unto This Last” as “the magic spell”. Gandhi was offered Ruskin’s book by Gandhi’s intimate friend Mr. Polak and Gandhi read it on his train journey from Johannesburg to Durban.

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Which book mostly shaped Gandhi’s world view?

The Bhagavad Gita

  • The Bhagavad Gita.
  • The seminal epic helped Gandhi shape his code of conduct.
  • Unto His Last.
  • He first read Ruskin’s influential work on Political Economy while travelling from Johannesburg to Durban.
  • The Kingdom of God is Within You.

Which is the best biography of Gandhi?

When it comes to books on Mahatma Gandhi, nothing can beat his classic autobiography ‘The Story of My Experiments With Truth’. The book covers the life of Mahatma Gandhi from his childhood to 1921.

What is the famous autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi?

The Story of My Experiments with Truth
I simply want to tell the story of my numerous experiments with truth, and as my life consists of nothing but those experiments, it is true that the story will take the shape of an autobiography.”The Story of My Experiments with Truth, the autobiography of Mahatma Gandhi, is a very popular and influential book.

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What books influenced Gandhi?

Washington: It was 150 years ago that the book “Unto This Last” was published, a groundbreaking work that turned economic thinking on its head and profoundly influenced the views of many including Mahatma Gandhi, the father of Indian independence.

Which two books inspired Gandhiji a lot during his childhood?

Answer: The two books which inspired Gandhiji a lot during his childhood were: Shravan Pitribhakti natka and Harishchandra.

Who influenced Gandhi the most?

LEO TOLSTOY Gandhi and Tolstoy have been the two greatest exponents of non-violence as a way of life and means of resistance.

Who wrote book on Mahatma Gandhi?

The Story of My Experiments with Truth

First US edition (1948)
Author Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
Original title સત્યના પ્રયોગો અથવા આત્મકથા
Translator Mahadev Desai
Country India

Who wrote Gandhi biography?

Mahatma Gandhi
Satya ke Prayog/Authors

Who wrote Gandhi?

Which book influences Gandhi very much in his life time?