
What is the best coding standard?

What is the best coding standard?

Focus on code readability

  • Write as few lines as possible.
  • Use appropriate naming conventions.
  • Segment blocks of code in the same section into paragraphs.
  • Use indentation to marks the beginning and end of control structures.
  • Don’t use lengthy functions.
  • Use the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.
  • Avoid Deep Nesting.

Why should you follow PSR standard?

The PHP Standard Recommendation (PSR) is a PHP specification published by the PHP Framework Interoperability Group (PHP-FIG). It serves the standardization of programming concepts in PHP. The aim is to enable interoperability of components. The PHP-FIG is formed by several PHP frameworks founders.

What do you need to know about PHP coding style?

PHP Coding Standards Edit

  • Single and Double Quotes.
  • Indentation.
  • Brace Style.
  • Use elseif , not else if.
  • Declaring Arrays.
  • Closures (Anonymous Functions)
  • Multiline Function Calls.
  • Regular Expressions.
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How do you code in PHP?

You need two things to get started: a development environment to run your PHP scripts and a code editor to write the code.

  1. Install a local development environment. PHP is a scripting language.
  2. Install a code editor. A code editor is basically an advanced text editor that helps you writing your code.
  3. Start coding.

What is the most effective programming method?

Top 7 Programming Techniques That Would Come in Handy

  1. Variables. Variables can be considered as the most essential programming techniques.
  2. Repetition or Loops. «For» is the most widely spread type of repetition.
  3. Decisions or Selection.
  4. Arrays.
  5. Modular Arithmetic.
  6. Manipulating Text.
  7. Random Numbers and Scaling.

What is PHP coding standard?

PHP has various frameworks and libraries such as Zend Framework and Symfony, but all have slightly different coding standards. PSR-0 and PSR-4 are coding standards for PHP’s autoloaders, and PSR-1 and PSR-2 are basic coding standards. Currently, PSR-2 is becoming the most common coding standard for PHP.

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Does PHP use camelCase?

Internally, PHP itself uses Underscores for variables and functions, camelCase for Methods, and PascalCase for Classes, as stated in this PHP documentation page (userlandnaming. rules), and as spelled out in this PHP coding standards document. That said, various frameworks follow different conventions of their own.