
What is the best game to play while high?

What is the best game to play while high?

Best Games to Play While High

  • Lungs.
  • GTA 5.
  • Get Musical.
  • Poker Face (for Stoners)
  • Weed Pong.
  • Fortnite.
  • Pokemon Go.
  • Never Have I Ever.

Does getting high make you better at games?

In it, those subjects who gamed and smoked pot had 43 percent better memory retention than those who merely gamed. Naturally, one will still have to leap to conclude with certainty that, given these results, pot will help everyone game better, especially as not every drug effects every human being in the same way.

Is indica or sativa better for video games?

The obvious choice is a stimulating, cerebral sativa, but many gamers find these almost too good, a little too twitchy, mentally-speaking. If you find the sativas too keyed-up, try an indica. Discovering your best strain for gaming is more about the journey than the destination—but it’s a truly enjoyable ride.

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When your bored What games can you play?

50 Games to Play When Bored

  • Paper Dance. Perhaps one of the best games that is enjoyed across all ages is Paper Dance.
  • 2 . Look for 4 Leaf Clovers.
  • Podcasts.
  • Play Dots and Boxes.
  • DIY Bird Feeder.
  • I Spy Bugs.
  • Play Stone, Paper, Scissor.
  • Race a Paper Boat.

Can you get awesome in GTA 5 while stoned?

Awesome while stoned, just as long as you don’t play it alone. While it was GTA 5 that initially took the world by storm, GTA Online has become the definitive installment for stoners. Why?

Should you play video games when you’re high?

Whether you’re sinking into the couch with an indica or blasting through synaptic hula hoops on a sweet sativa, video games are fun to play when you’re high. The only problem? Choosing the best video games to play when you’re high can be as much of an existential crisis as choosing the best snack: they’re ALL good, man.

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What are some of the best multiplayer games on PC?

Still, the game based on the first Bond movie to start Pierce Brosnan is known far and wide for being one of the best multiplayer games on any platform and in any genre. Master the art of using those Remote Mines precisely and you’re golden…pun intended. The concept is clearly ridiculous…no surprises there.

Is Mario Kart a good game for Stoners?

Once again, it’s what’s technically genius simplicity that makes Mario Kart one of the ultimate games for stoners. The single player mode might not win you over, but in terms of multiplayer action…well, red shell induced tantrums and party storm-outs usually come as standard.