
What is the best section to sit in at Yankee Stadium?

What is the best section to sit in at Yankee Stadium?

Legends Suite (Yankees and New York City FC Games) – The best seats for a Yankees game are those located on the infield and behind home plate in sections 14A-27A.

Where do you want to sit at a baseball game?

THE RESULTS: The best place to sit at a Baseball game is… According to Sports Where I Am users, the best place to sit in baseball venues across the USA is along the third base line. This is followed by sitting behind the home plate area or along the first base line.

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Where is the best seats to watch a baseball game?

The Best Seats For Optimal Baseball Viewing

  • Behind Home Plate. This one is obvious.
  • Outfield Grandstand. This is my favorite.
  • On Top of the Flagpole.
  • Behind the Home Dugout.
  • Directly Behind the Pitcher’s Mound.
  • Infield Nosebleeds.
  • Your House.

Is there a bad seat in Yankee Stadium?

Field level seems expensive in the lower concourse areas, but table and barstool seating is included (and restricted to ticket holders). Standing room on the Terrace level is particularly bad, though, behind the handicapped seating which is pretty much always occupied.

Where should I sit in shade at Yankee Stadium?

As a general rule, the seats in the shade at Yankee Stadium are located:

  • On the 1st base side of the park for a day game.
  • Behind home plate or on the 3rd base side for a late afternoon or evening game.
  • Far enough back in one of those section so that it’s under an overhang.
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Where are my seats in Yankee Stadium?

Have to lean forward slightly to see over glass. Seats are on aisle and almost directly behind home plate.

What do Yankees Legends seats include?

For ticketholders in these seats, all food and non-alcoholic drinks are included with your ticket price. You can enjoy food and snacks in any of the three clubs, or take advantage of a personal wait staff at your over-sized, extra-padded stadium seat.

How much are Yankees tickets behind home plate?

Seats behind home plate at the Yankees new stadium cost $500-$2,500.

Where should I sit at Nationals stadium?

Sit closer to the outside edge of the infield, especially sections 113-114 and 131-132, to avoid the protective netting. Many fans love the views from behind home plate at a baseball game, and you can find excellent ones in the front rows of sections 120-121 and 124-125 at Nationals Park.

What direction does home plate face at Yankee Stadium?

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Yankee Stadium has a less northern orientation than the Mets home across town. At Yankee Stadium the batter faces almost due east with a slight tilt to the north. If they played games first thing in the morning, the sun would rise and shine right into the batter’s eyes.

How many seats are in a row at Yankee Stadium?

The Yankee Stadium bleacher seats consist of sections 202 through 204, and sections 235 through 238. Most bleacher sections will have between 20 and 24 rows of seats, always beginning with row 1.