
What is the best trait someone can have?

What is the best trait someone can have?

15 Simple Traits Of A Truly Good Person

  1. They are honest in relationships.
  2. They compliment others when deserved.
  3. They call their parents regularly.
  4. They are polite.
  5. They are kind to everyone.
  6. They are generous with their belongings.
  7. They remember their manners.
  8. They think of others.

What is a weakest character trait?

What is a weak character trait? Actions that display a weak character may include selfishness, judgmental tendencies, angry outbursts and an unwillingness to work hard or show initiative.

What bad traits mean?

1. (usually of a person) lacking in intelligence, common sense, or just in general awareness; clumsy or idiotic. [colloquial] [noun] a person that displays these character traits.

What are your worst traits interview?

What Are Your Negative Qualities?

  • Tardiness.
  • Short temper.
  • Lack of organization.
  • Perfectionism.
  • Stubbornness.
  • Messiness.
  • Poor time management.
  • Bossiness.

What are the 6 traits of bad character?

Terms in this set (36)

  • arrogant. you have an attitude that you are better than everyone else.
  • awkward. to be clumsy, not graceful, or to feel embarrassed.
  • bad-tempered. often in a bad mood.
  • beastly. disagreeable, disgusting, nasty.
  • bossy. always telling people what to do.
  • conceited. vain, big headed,
  • crazed.
  • cruel.
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How do you answer best and worst qualities?

Tips to Answer “What is your Worst Quality” Question:

  1. Be honest to an extent:
  2. Be positive even when speaking your negative:
  3. Stick to very basic and too complicated qualities:
  4. Point only job related worst qualities:
  5. Express your weakness in a way that can be a strength too:

What are three negative traits?

Basic List Of Negative Traits

  • Abrasive.
  • Antisocial.
  • Apathetic.
  • Callous.
  • Childish.
  • Compulsive.
  • Confrontational.
  • Controlling.