
What is the chemical formula for lead II carbonate?

What is the chemical formula for lead II carbonate?

Lead(II) carbonate/Formula

What type of chemical reaction is lead nitrate?

decomposition reaction
A decomposition reaction can be defined as a type of chemical reaction in which under suitable conditions, one single compound splits into multiple simpler substances. Where lead(II) nitrate undergo decomposition reaction to give yellow colour lead (II) oxide, colourless gas of oxygen and brown colour nitrogen dioxide.

What is the reaction between lead ii nitrate and sodium carbonate?

1 Pb(NO3)2 + NaHCO3 → H2O + CO2 + NaNO3 + PbCO3
2 Na2CO3 + Pb(NO3)2 → NaNO3 + PbCO3

What does lead ii nitrate react with?

potassium iodide
Aqueous chemistry Lead(II) nitrate readily dissolves in water to give a clear colourless solution. This solution reacts with soluble iodides such as potassium iodide to produce a precipitate of the bright orange-yellow lead(II) iodide.

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How do you make a lead 2 carbonate?

Lead carbonate is manufactured by passing carbon dioxide into a cold dilute solution of lead(II) acetate, or by shaking a suspension of a lead salt more soluble than the carbonate with ammonium carbonate at a low temperature to avoid formation of basic lead carbonate.

How do you make lead II nitrate?

Production. Lead nitrate is produced by reaction of lead(II) oxide with concentrated nitric acid: PbO + 2 HNO3(concentrated) → Pb(NO3)2↓ + H2O. It may also be obtained evaporation of the solution obtained by reacting metallic lead with dilute nitric acid.

Does sodium carbonate and lead II nitrate precipitate?

Lead (II) nitrate is added to a test tube containing sodium carbonate. Lead (II) carbonate precipitate is formed as a result: Pb(NO3)2 + Na2CO3 -> PbCO3 + NaNO3. This is an example of a double displacement reaction.

What happens when lead II carbonate heated?

Metal carbonates decompose when heated. Some carbonates are more reactive than others….Teaching notes.

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Carbonate Lead carbonate
Colour before heating White
Colour after heating Yellow
Gas evolved Carbon dioxide
Ease of decomposition Fairly easy

What is the chemical formula for lead II iodide?

Lead(II) iodide/Formula