
What is the correct answer to the prisoner hat riddle?

What is the correct answer to the prisoner hat riddle?

ANSWER: Prisoner B. EXPLANATION: If prisoners B and C had the same color hat on, prisoner A would have know immediately that his hat was the other color (there are only two hats of each color). Since prisoner A was silent, prisoners B and C must have different colored hats.

Who will shout first hat answer?

Criminal 2 will shout first. As Criminal 1 is not able to decide the color of his hat, color of Criminal 2 and 3 should not be same. Seeing the color of Criminal 3′ hat, Criminal 2 can be sure that his hat color is white.

How do I choose a hat color?

Solution: The person who stands last in the queue, behind everyone else, will count the number of white hats on the heads of the 19 people present ahead of him. If this number is even, he (loudly) guesses the hat on his head as ‘Black’. if the number is odd, he guesses ‘White’.

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Who has the hat game answer?

You start out by saying, “I Have the hat and I pass it to blank” because you say a name. Then you say you pass it to someone else but you say their name. Then you ask who has the hat. and you tell them who has the hat.

What is the answer to the Google hat riddle?

Every prisoner can see the hats of the people in front of him in the line – but not his own hat, nor those of anyone behind him. The executioner starts at the end (back) and asks the last prisoner the colour of his hat. He must answer “red” or “blue.” If he answers correctly, he is allowed to live.

What is the answer to the 4 hat riddle?

There are no outside influences nor other ways of communicating. They cannot move and are buried in a straight line; A & B can only see their respective sides of the wall, C can see B, and D can see B & C. C calls out that he is wearing a black hat.

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What is pass the hat game?

Pass a Hat Game How to play: Gather all players and ask them to sit on the floor and form a circle. The first player will pass a hat to the next player on his/her right by tossing it up his/her head. (hands off) The player who drops the hat on the floor will be out of the game.

Who has hat Game Riddle?