
What is the difference between currency board and dollarization?

What is the difference between currency board and dollarization?

Dollarization adopts a strong currency (not necessarily US dollars) as the country’s official currency. It can be considered as a variant of fixed exchange rate regime with an even stronger commitment mechanism than a currency board.

What does peg mean in currency?

fixed exchange rate
What Is a Currency Peg? A currency peg is a policy in which a national government sets a specific fixed exchange rate for its currency with a foreign currency or a basket of currencies. Pegging a currency stabilizes the exchange rate between countries.

What is currency board arrangements?

A currency board is an extreme form of a pegged exchange rate. Management of the exchange rate and the money supply are taken away from the nation’s central bank, if it has one. In addition to a fixed exchange rate, a currency board is also generally required to maintain reserves of the underlying foreign currency.

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What is the difference between central banks and currency boards?

Unlike a conventional central bank, which can print money at will, a currency board issues domestic notes and coins only when there are foreign-exchange reserves to back it. Under a strict currency- board regime, interest rates adjust automatically.

What is soft peg?

A soft peg describes the type of exchange rate regime applied to a currency to keep its value stable against a reserve currency or a basket of currencies. Currencies with a soft peg are half way between those with a fixed or hard pegged exchange rate and those with a floating exchange rate.

What are pegged with horizontal bands?

Weak version: also known as pegged exchange rates within horizontal bands. In this case, the exchange rate fluctuates more than ±1\% around the fixed central rate. Target zone arrangements can be seen as being half way between fixed and flexible exchange rates.

What is meant by crawling peg?

A crawling peg is a band of rates that a fixed-rate exchange rate currency is allowed to fluctuate. It’s a coordinated buying or selling of currency to keep the currency within range. Crawling pegs help control currency moves, usually during threats of devaluation.

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What is basket peg?

The policy of pegging a currency to a portfolio of several currencies with different weightings. A country usually follows a basket peg to attach its currency to another without overexposing it to the fluctuations of a single currency. …