
What is the difference between Marines and Marine Reserves?

What is the difference between Marines and Marine Reserves?

The biggest difference between the reserves and active duty Marines lies in the commitment to service. Anyone that signs up for the Marines and chooses to serve on active duty must serve 4 years of active service. Marine Reserves commit 4 years of inactive service.

How long is a Marine reservist contract?

Reservists, like all new service members, contract for eight-year terms. There are three options on how these terms may be served, one of which is designated upon signing.

What does marine reserve mean?

marine protected area
A marine reserve is a type of marine protected area (MPA). An MPA is a section of the ocean where a government has placed limits on human activity. Marine reserves are often located within larger, multiple-use MPAs. Some zones of multiple-use MPAs, also called marine sanctuaries, permit extractive activities.

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What are the disadvantages of marine reserves?

The disadvantages of large MPAs include difficulties of surveillance, enforcement and monitoring of vast offshore areas, as well as high total costs. While the cost per unit area may be lower for large MPAs, conducting surveillance and monitoring in such vast areas requires much more expensive technologies.

Do marine reserves get stationed?

They are often given a choice of duty station after training. Reservists are stationed near their home and only deployed to international stations if they are called up for active duty. This allows them to continue their career or education while training close to home.

Is a 6 month reservist considered a veteran?

Now, under the new law, anyone eligible for reserve component retirement benefits is considered a veteran, said Krenz. “Anyone who has reached 20 years of service, even if they were never activated on a [federal] order for more than 180 days outside of training, will now be considered a veteran,” he said.

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Can you boat in a marine reserve?

Visitors are encouraged to enjoy boating, swimming, snorkelling, scuba diving, and picnicking in the marine reserve. For a map of the marine reserve with boundary coordinates visit

Why do Marines say actual?

When members in the armed forces catch the term “actual” while they are communicating through a radio, they can recognize that the person speaking is the commander or unit leader. Vice versa, when a member wants to speak to the commander or unit leader, they request for the “actual”.