
What is the Easter greeting in Polish?

What is the Easter greeting in Polish?

Wesołego Alleluja
The traditional Easter greeting is “Wesołego Alleluja”, and Poles are probably the only ones to use that particular formulation. As a banner or inscription on an Easter egg or the top of a mazurka cake the word “Alleluja” alone is sufficient. (Incidentally this word comes from Hebrew and means “Praise God!”)

How do you wish someone a happy Easter?


  • “Happy Easter and God bless.”
  • “Happy, hoppy Easter to you!”
  • “Hoping your Easter is extra bright and happy this year.”
  • “Wishing you sunshine, good times and a very happy Easter!”
  • “Happy Easter to the whole family!
  • “Just wanted to say a warm springtime hello and wish you a happy Easter!”
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What language is Wesolego alleluja?

Translations for „Wesołego“ in the Polish » English Dictionary (Go to English » Polish) Wesołego Alleluja! Happy Easter!

What are some Easter sayings?

“The great gift of Easter is hope.” “No winter lasts forever; no spring skips its turn.” “Easter is meant to be a symbol of hope, renewal, and new life.” “For I remember it is Easter Morn and life and love and peace are all new born.”

What does Wesolego alleluja mean?

Happy Easter
They explain how Catholics in their community celebrate Easter. ‘Wesołego Alleluja’ is the Polish greeting meaning Happy Easter. For Polish Catholics, Easter is one of the most important religious events of the year and food is a core aspect of this festivity.

Can you say Happy Easter to anyone?

Senior Member. Yes you can. Easter is a celebration so the word “happy” is appropriate. The celebration is of Jesus Christ’s resurrection.

How do you say Happy Easter to you and your family?

-Happy Easter wishes to your family! I hope you’re surrounded by sunshine, flowers, chocolate, and family on this happy day. -Wishing you all the love and happiness that only Easter can bring. Have a joyous celebration with your family!

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What do you write in a Easter card for your granddaughter?


  • It’s such a hopeful and happy season for remembering special people like you.
  • Thinking of you and wishing you all the nicest things this season.
  • Always remember — you’re somebunny special!
  • Sending you ‘eggstra’ love today and always.
  • Happy Spring — to one of my favorite peeps!

What does wesolych mean in Polish?

Merry Christmas
Translations for „Wesołych“ in the English » Polish Dictionary (Go to Polish » English) Merry Christmas! Wesołych Świąt! Merry Christmas!

Is it offensive to wish happy Easter?

Sure. It’s not quite as common as wishing them a happy Christmas, but it’s not considered unusual or offensive (and nor is it considered particularly religious; in the general perception, Easter is probably even less connected with Christianity than Christmas).