
What is the fees for 2nd PUC supplementary exam?

What is the fees for 2nd PUC supplementary exam?

There are the Karnataka aboard is to held the 12th Class 2 PUC Reappear/supply examination in July August as per the latest Covid19 situation….1, 2PUC Supply Application Form Fees 2022: Last Dates.

Process Application Fee
PUC Supplementary fee Rs. 530/- (Expected)

Is 2nd PUC Supplementary Exam 2021 Cancelled?

A total of 1,95,650 students got distinctions out of 5,90,153 registered. As per the sources, a total of 76,344 had enrolled as repeater students….Karnataka Pre-University Supplementary Exam Dates.

Board Department of Pre University Education
Karnataka 2nd PUC Exam Dates May 24 to June 16, 2021 (cancelled)

Is 2nd PUC supplementary exam Cancelled?

Government of Karnataka has decided not to conduct PU-II Exams. Last Year, Karnataka 2nd PUC Annual as well as Supplementary exams postponed due to COVID-19 situations….Karnataka Pre University Certificate (PUC-II) Exam 2021 Details.

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Board Department Of Pre-University Education (PUE)
Exam Update Cancelled

How many times can a student write 2nd PUC exam?

ANSWERS (2) 2 times, one time annual and one-time supplementary. There are no restrictions, but generally, students upto max. 5 years. There are no restrictions, but generally, students upto max.

What is PUC supplementary exam?

Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary Exam 2022 Department of Pre-University Education Karnataka will conduct the supplementary examination in August 2022 (tentative) for 2nd PUC students who could not pass one or two subjects in the Karnataka 2nd PUC board examinations.

What does supplementary exam mean?

The supplementary examination is an opportunity to reappear for End Term Examination only. 4. The weightage of this examination will remain same as the weightage of the End Term Examination of the regular semester in which the student was awarded ‘F’ Grade.

Is there supplementary exam for 2nd PUC 2021?

The Karnataka Education Department has decided to conduct the Karnataka 2nd PUC Supplementary Exams from August 19, 2021 to September 03, 2021 across 187 exam centres in the state for students who are not satisfied with final outcome or had missed it.