
What is the fewest number of coins you would need in order to make change for any amount of money between one cent and one dollar?

What is the fewest number of coins you would need in order to make change for any amount of money between one cent and one dollar?

You need at least 1 nickel, since you want to get 5 as a change. It isn’t optimal to have more than 1 nickel. Instead of 1+x nickels, you can have 1 nickel and x dimes – they span at least the same range. So you have exactly 1 nickel.

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What is the least number of coins?

So 3 quarters, 1 dime, 2 nickels and 5 pennies. 11 coins is the fewest.

How many coins do I need?

Number of Coins in a Standard Roll

Denomination Number of Coins Face Value
Nickel or 5 Cents 40 $2.00
Dime or 10 Cents 50 $5.00
Quarter or 25 Cents 40 $10.00
Half-Dollar or 50 Cents 20 $10.00

What coins are needed to make any change?

U.S. dime, nickel, and penny. U.S. Mint U.S. quarter. Most businesses in the United States make change using just four different types of coins: 1 cent (penny), 5 cents (nickel), 10 cents (dime), and 25 cents (quarter).

How do you find the minimum amount of coins?


  1. Sort the array of coins in decreasing order.
  2. Initialize result as empty.
  3. Find the largest denomination that is smaller than current amount.
  4. Add found denomination to result. Subtract value of found denomination from amount.
  5. If amount becomes 0, then print result.
  6. Else repeat steps 3 and 4 for new value of V.
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What is the least number of coins needed to make 49c?

So to answer the question, the least number of coins required to pay for any purchase up to 49c is eight.

What is the least number of coins needed to make a 49c?

How many quarters is $10?

40 quarters
There are 40 quarters in 10$. In order to know how many quarters there are in one dollar, you need to know that one quarter is equal to 0.25$.

How much does a roll of toonies cost?

Canadian Coin Rolls – All Coins Currently Under Circulation

Coin/Denomination Coins per Roll Cost of Roll
Toonie ($2) 25 $50
Five Cent/Nickel ($0.05) 40 $2
Ten Cent/Dime ($0.1) 50 $5
25 Cent/Quarter ($0.25) 40 $10

How much change is 98 cents?

Counting with Dollars and Coins!

$.36 1 dime, 5 nickels, 1 penny
$.98 2 quarters, 4 dimes, 1 nickel, 3 pennies
$.56 2 dimes, 3 nickels, 21 pennies
$3.08 2 dollars, 4 quarters, 1 nickel, 3 pennies
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How many coins make 98 cents?