
What is the first thing you would do if someone suddenly unexpectedly went overboard from your vessel?

What is the first thing you would do if someone suddenly unexpectedly went overboard from your vessel?

What To Do When a Passenger Falls in the Water

  1. Your first job when someone goes overboard is to alert everyone.
  2. If the boat is in motion, stop immediately.
  3. Use the MOB button right away.
  4. Hopefully, the person in the water has a lifejacket on already.
  5. If you have more crew on the boat, have them take on roles.

What will you do if you see Man Overboard?

Actions to be taken in case of a “man overboard” incident

  1. Release lifebuoy and maneuver to pick up man, always with respect to the man.
  2. Call the master.
  3. Sound alarm and commence Williamson turn.
  4. Stop engines and place them on stand by.
  5. Alert by radio vessels in vicinity.
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What should you do for a man overboard emergency?

Alert other vessels in the vicinity so that they can help and do not endanger the person. Make a slow, powered approach into the wind, reducing to dead slow as you approach the victim. Kill the engine (kill cords) when the victim is grasped.

How can men avoid overboard?

The 10 best ways to prevent MAN OVERBOARD

  1. 1 Tighten lifelines and jacklines.
  2. 2 Provide secure strong points and handholds.
  3. 3 Keep a good foothold.
  4. 4 Wear your own combined harness and lifejacket.
  5. 5 Keep it securely fitted.
  6. 6 Wear a light compact safety line with an overload indicator.

What is the fastest turn to recover a person fell overboard?

This is due to the simplicity of the 270 degrees turn, which translates directly into its duration and also efficiency. Under favourable daylight conditions single turn is the best way to get back to a man overboard in a hurry. This turn is good for ships with tight turning characteristics.

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Is it legal to test a flare?

It is illegal to test or discharge a flare if it is not being used for an emergency situation and you should only dispose of flares in an approved manner.