
What is the flow and non flow process?

What is the flow and non flow process?

Differentiate between non-flow and flow process. What is a steady flow process? Flow process: It is one in which fluid enters the system and leaves it after work interaction, which means that such processes occur in the systems having open boundary permitting mass interaction across the system boundary.

What is the non flow energy equation?

The change symbol Δ means final value minus initial value. ΔE embraces all forms of energy but in the non-flow process it is usual to find that the only significant change is in the internal energy (U, u) and we write the non-flow energy equation. Q − W = Δ U or q − w = Δ u.

What is steady flow work?

Steady-flow Process. Steady flow process is a process where: the fluid properties can change from point to point in the control volume but remains the same at any fixed point during the whole process. A steady-flow process is characterized by the following: No properties within the control volume change with time.

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How do you calculate energy flow?

s = PV (kJ) or in a unit basis, wflow = Wflow / m = Pv (kJ/kg) Note that the flow work is expressed in terms of properties. The flow work can also be written as a rate equation. The property θ is called methalpy.

What are the different types of non-flow process?


  • 5.1 Non-Flow Processes.
  • 5.1.1 Adiabatic process.
  • 5.1.2 Polytropic process.
  • Heat / work exchange.
  • 5.2 Flow Processes.
  • 5.2.1 Steady flow systems.
  • Analysis of steady flow system.
  • 5.2.2 Un-steady flow system.

How do you calculate work done in an isentropic process?

Example: Isentropic Turbine Efficiency

  1. Assume an isentropic expansion of helium (3 → 4) in a gas turbine.
  2. Calculate the work done by this turbine and calculate the real temperature at the exit of the turbine, when the isentropic turbine efficiency is ηT = 0.91 (91\%).
  3. Solution:
  4. WT = h3 – h4s → WTs = cp (T3 – T4s)