
What is the full form of HRMS in railway?

What is the full form of HRMS in railway?

Chairman Railway Board has launched E-pass module of Human Resource Management System (HRMS) developed by CRIS through video conferencing which was also attended by FC/Railways, all Board Members, CMD/IRCTC, MD/CRIS, all GMs, PCPOS, PCCMS, PFAs and DRMs.

What is the meaning of Pqrs in railway?

Plasser Quick Relaying System
PQRS is a process wherein old rail along with sleepers is removed & is replaced by a completely new rail panel with the help of Track Laying Equipment – TLE. The PQRS was carried out between Nasik & Odha station wherein old 52kg rail panel were replaced by 60kg rail panel.

What is railway PNM?

ORIGIN AND EVOLUTION OF PERMANENT NEGOTIATING. MACHINERY (PNM) ON INDIAN RAILWAYS. The antecedents of the negotiating machinery in Indian Railways may. be traced back to 1922 when in an effort to provide a means of discus.

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What is the full form of camtech?

CAMTECH (Centre for Advanced Maintenance Technology) Gwalior is doing pioneering. work in the field of dissemination of knowledge in advanced maintenance technology. The main activities undertaken by CAMTECH are:- • Organizing seminars on technical subjects for officers and supervisors of Zonal Railways.

What is ipas ID in railway?

IPAS ID is your PF number or Employee number, which is available on salary slip. Same can be asked from Account section also.

What is the full form of Pcdo?

The Full form of PCDO is Periodical Confidential Demi Official, or PCDO stands for Periodical Confidential Demi Official, or the full name of given abbreviation is Periodical Confidential Demi Official.

What is railway MCDO?

Periodical Demi Official Letter. Such letters are exchanged between area to division to zone and to railway board. With passage of time PCDO has given way to MCDO – monthly demi official letter. Some offices have done away with this practice (rare) and some have made in paperless. But in general, MCDO is in vogue.