
What is the function of pycnometer?

What is the function of pycnometer?

Pycnometers are used for measuring and comparing densities or specific gravities of liquids and solids, including soil.

What is a pycnometer in chemistry?

(pɪkˈnɒmɪtə) n. (Chemistry) a small glass bottle of known volume for determining the relative density of liquids and solids by weighing. Also: pyknometer.

How can a pycnometer be used to measure density?

Dry the sides and weigh the full pycnometer on the analytical balance. Measure the temperature of the water. Use the known density of water located in the CRC handbook to determine the volume of water contained in the full pycnometer flask. Be certain to use the known density value at the correct temperature.

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How pycnometer measure specific gravity?

To determine the specific gravity of soil solids by Pycnometer bottle method. Specific gravity is the ratio of the mass of unit volume of soil at a stated temperature to the mass of the same volume of gas-free distilled water at a stated temperature. Specification: This test is specified in IS: 2720 (Part 4) – 1985.

What are the different types of pycnometer?

Types Of Pycnometer

  • Pycnometers – Vacuum Pycnometer Type F — SG-15.
  • Pycnometers – 1500g Budget Pycnometer — SG-17.
  • Pycnometers – Vacuum Pycnometer Type F, Calibrated — SG-15C.
  • Pycnometers – 2000g Budget Pycnometer 6″ Deep Complete — SG-16A.

When was the pycnometer invented?

The form was devised in 1859 by the German glassworker, Heinrich Geissler (1814-1879) and the Russian chemist Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev (1834–1907).

How do you use a pycnometer with a thermometer?

Insert a certified thermometer into the product. Do not let the thermometer touch the sides or bottom of the pycnometer, as this may affect the temperature reading. Record the temperature of the sample in the pycnometer.

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How is a pycnometer used in a laboratory setting?

Pycnometers are glass or metal containers with a determined volume. Typically, they are used to determine the density of liquids and their dispersions. To determine the density of a porous solid, a sample must first be crushed, ground, or powdered to the point that all pores are opened.

What is the difference between density bottle and Pycnometer?

Pycnometer is a container whose volume is precisely known,used to determine the density of a liquid by filling the container with the liquid and then weighing it whereas a density bottle is any bottle of known volume which can be weighed empty and then weighed containing the liquid.

How do you do a pycnometer test?


  1. Weigh the empty and dry volumetric flask / Pycnometer to the nearest 0.01 gram and record the weight as W1.
  2. Take about 100 grams of oven dried soil and put it into the Pycnometer.
  3. Now weigh the Pycnometer and dry soil to the nearest 0.01 gram and record the weight as W2.
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What are the different types of Pycnometer?

What are the parts of pycnometer?

A pycnometer, which is a glass vessel of a special shape, the lower part of which is made spherical, connected to a vertical cylindrical tube on which an annular horizontal mark is located, characterized in that the spherical part of the pycnometer is made of two parts that divide it in half in a diametrical plane and …