
What is the function of sncl2?

What is the function of sncl2?

SnCl2 is widely used as a reducing agent (in acid solution), and in electrolytic baths for tin-plating. Tin(II) chloride should not be confused with the other chloride of tin; tin(IV) chloride or stannic chloride (SnCl4).

Which reagent is used in Stephen reaction?

In this reaction, the reagent that is used is stannous chloride in the presence of hydrochloric acid. These reagents reduce the carbon atom that is present in the nitrile group.

Which substance is used to reduce nitriles to imines in Stephen reaction?

Stephen Aldehyde Synthesis As shown above, there is an imine intermediate formed when the nitrile undergoes reduction with stannous chloride and hydrogen chloride gas (in ethyl acetate solvent).

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How will you describe the Stephan reduction and mechanism also?

Stephen reaction is also known as Stephen aldehyde synthesis or Stephen Reduction Reaction. Alkyl nitriles undergo reduction with the help of tin (II) chloride (Sn2Cl) and hydrochloric acid and form an intermediate imine salt which undergoes hydrolysis with water, giving the final result as aldehydes.

Why is SnCl2 a strong reducing agent?

-Sn doesn’t exhibit inert pair effect & thus higher oxidation state is more stable. -During the reaction, SnCl2 gets oxidised while other compound is reduced. -Thus, SnCl2 is a good reducing agent.

Is SnCl2 soluble?

Yes SnCl2*2H20 is soluble in water, in less than its own weight of water, but it forms an insoluble basic salt with excess water making it soluble in ethanol.

Can Dibal H reduce ketones?

What it’s used for: DIBAL is a strong, bulky reducing agent. It will also reduce other carbonyl compounds such as amides, aldehydes, ketones, and nitriles.

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What is Stephen’s reduction reaction?

Alkyl nitriles on reduction with stannous chloride and hydrochloric acid in dry ether give corresponding imine hydrochlorides which on acid hydrolysis, give corresponding aldehydes. This reaction is known as Stephen reaction. Ketones cannot be prepared by Stephen reaction.

Why does Dibal stop aldehyde?

It is only after coordinating to its carbonyl host that DIBAL delivers its hydride to the carbonyl carbon, resulting in formation of a neutral hemiacetal intermediate that is stable at low temperatures. Quenching of the reaction then breaks down the hemiacetal, resulting in isolation of the aldehyde.

What is the mechanism of Stephen reaction?

With electron withdrawing substituents, the formation of an amide chloride is facilitated. In the past, the reaction was carried out by precipitating the aldimine-tin chloride, washing it with ether and then hydrolyzing it.

What is correct intermediate in Etard reaction?

Etard Reaction is the partial oxidation of an aromatic ring with an attached methyl group. Toluene forms a complex compound that is C7H6O which is also known as intermediate in this reaction. It again undergoes hydrolysis to achieve our desired product of C7H6O-Benzaldehyde.

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