
What is the highest number you can make by moving 2 matches?

What is the highest number you can make by moving 2 matches?

Answer to ‘if you can move 2 matches’ puzzle Most people say that the highest number possible is ‘999’. This number can be obtained by taking the bottom left matchstick of ‘8’ and adding it to the top right of the number ‘5’. This will convert both ‘8’ and ‘5’ into ‘9’.

What is the highest number you can get by moving only two matches 5008?

It goes from 5008 to 9909. If there is no limit on the number of digits the answer can have, the answer is 511108.

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What’s the biggest possible number?

Despite having more numbers than atoms in the universe, trying to prove that your integer is bigger than anyone else’s integer has continued through the centuries. The biggest number referred to regularly is a googolplex (10googol), which works out as 1010^100.

How do you change 508 to largest number?

As we see that 508 form a 3 digit number, so what is the largest 3 digit number? Yes it is 999, and by moving 2 sticks as shown in the figure we can attain it. The detailed movements are: the lower left stick in 0 goes to the center position in it.

What is the biggest number you can get by moving just 2 matches 508?

Answers 1: 999 The biggest possible answer for a 3 digit number is 999, which can be achieved by moving the two matches in the second and third digit as shown in the image below.

Can you make a rectangle using 4 equal matchsticks?

as all the four matchsticks are of same length. A rectangle can’t be formed with equal sides.

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Can you fix this equation by moving just 1 matchstick?

By moving only one matchstick, you can fix the equation so that it is correct. Because even if you solve it once, there are at least three possible ways to make the equation work!

What is the biggest number of 508?

Is there a pattern in the number of matchstick?

The matchstick patterns are all based on linear relations. This means that the increase in number of matches needed for the ‘next’ term is a constant number added to the previous term.

How many matchsticks are needed to form the 6 squares?

Note that in each row of a (n x n) matrix there are n matchsticks, and there are (n + 1) lines of matchsticks. Thus the total number of matchsticks in the rows of matchsticks is n (n + 1). There is exactly the same number of matchsticks in each column….

Number of squares Number of matchsticks
3 24
4 40