
What is the highest score on Tetris Marathon?

What is the highest score on Tetris Marathon?

At a Twin Galaxies-refereed event on 5 July 2012, Isaiah Triforce Johnson (USA) registered the most points scored in a Tetris DS standard marathon, with an incredible 1,584,000 points.

How do you get a high score on Tetris?

While the scoring systems vary, every version of Tetris awards the highest score for clearing 4 rows of bricks at once. The only way to do this is to build up a mound that is at least 4 rows tall while leaving a single column completely open for the I piece.

Is playing Tetris good for your brain?

Brain imaging shows playing Tetris leads to a thicker cortex and may also increase brain efficiency, according to a new study. Brain imaging shows playing Tetris leads to a thicker cortex and may also increase brain efficiency, according to research published in the open access journal BMC Research Notes.

Is Tetris good for ADHD?

One example of a game that may prove helpful in treating ADHD is the classic puzzle game Tetris. Tetris is a simple game in which players organize blocks of different shapes as they fall to the bottom of the screen. The object is to organize the blocks into solid lines to get them to disappear.

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Is Tetris educational?

A new video from BrainCraft, an educational show from PBS Digital studios, explains what “Tetris” does to your brain — and a lot of it is good news. According to the video, studies have shown that playing enough “Tetris” (think 1.5 hours a week for three months) can … Make other areas of your brain more efficient.

Is a Tetris worth more points?

After Tetris for Game Boy, most games adopted a scoring system designed to reward difficult clears by giving points for more lines cleared at once. Some systems also encouraged starting at higher difficulty….Original BPS scoring system.

Line clear Points
2 (double) 100
3 (triple) 300
4 (tetris) 1200