
What is the legal status of Gaza?

What is the legal status of Gaza?

In the Gaza Strip the municipality comes under the direct control of the Israeli Military Government. Though Gaza is the only municipal government in the Strip, no municipal elections have been held since occupation. It has been ruled directly by a military officer or by a mayor appointed by the Military Government.

What is the status of West Bank and Gaza Strip?

After the 2007 split between Fatah and Hamas, the West Bank areas under Palestinian control are an exclusive part of the Palestinian Authority, while the Gaza Strip is ruled by Hamas.

Who rules Gaza vs West Bank?

Presently, most of the West Bank is administered by Israel though 42\% of it is under varying degrees of autonomous rule by the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority. The Gaza Strip is currently under the control of Hamas.

What is the legal status of Palestine today?

Palestine has been granted limited powers over the West Bank and Gaza Strip, while Israel still maintains the overarching authority over the area. Until Palestine can act independently of Israel’s rule, it cannot be considered a de facto state. Yet, Palestine argues that it has obtained de jure statehood.

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Who legally owns Gaza?

Israel maintains direct external control over Gaza and indirect control over life within Gaza: it controls Gaza’s air and maritime space, as well as six of Gaza’s seven land crossings. It reserves the right to enter Gaza at will with its military and maintains a no-go buffer zone within the Gaza territory.

Does Hamas operate in the West Bank?

Hamas has both an internal leadership within the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, and an external leadership, split between a Gaza group directed by Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzook from his exile first in Damascus and then in Egypt, and a Kuwaiti group (Kuwaidia) under Khaled Mashal.

Who legally owns Gaza Strip?

Israel maintains direct external control over Gaza and indirect control over life within Gaza: it controls Gaza’s air and maritime space, and six of Gaza’s seven land crossings.