
What is the meaning of 7/12 extract?

What is the meaning of 7/12 extract?

The 7/12 extract is an extract from the land register maintained by the revenue department of the governments of Maharashtra and Gujarat, states in India. In rural areas the ownership of a particular plot of land can be established on the basis of the 7/12 extract.

How do I read Patta?

A Patta is a crucial document which tells about the ownership of a particular property. It indicates about the person who has the rights to the property. For this reason, it is also known as “Record Of Rights (ROR)”. The person who has his name registered in the Patta is considered to be the owner to be that property.

Can a Patta land be sold?

For govt lands ( and Poromboke lands – no ownership exists ) , Patta will never be issued to individual as it belongs to Govt. If anyone fabricates Patta for Govt or Porombokel ands and try to sell to individual,it becomes illegal.

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What is the difference between property card and 7 12?

Property Card vs 7/12 extract Property cards provide information about the ownership of a property and history of holdings of land located in the urban areas. 7/12 extract is a record of land property in a rural area. 7/12 extracts mainly deal with areas that are outside city limits.

What is Utara in property?

The 7/12 extract or Utara is an extract from that land register and includes complete information about agriculture land in a rural area of Maharashtra. 7/12 Utara serves as proof of ownership of the land. 7/12 extract is named after two forms that are used to collect information for this extract.

What is D Patta land?

D patta is conditional land, prohibits transfer of assigned land and only inheritable at present. Conversion is permissible for non agricultural purpose. 4.4 on 5.0. You can sell the land as it is or you may may convert in to residential by taking the permission from municipality. Its easy process.

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What is the use of patta?

Land patta is essential for both vacant lands as well as parcels with buildings and structures. It is a primary document affirming a lawful possession of the property. Besides the name of the owner/s, it also includes land details such as the size and the type of the plot – commercial or residential.

How do I know my Patta number?

How to Check Patta Chitta Verification Online

  1. Visit the official Tamil Nadu government services website.
  2. Enter the Reference Number that you had received.
  3. Click on the ‘Submit’ button.
  4. The results of the Patta Chitta verification will be displayed on the page.