
What is the meaning of concentration of minerals?

What is the meaning of concentration of minerals?

Concentration involves the separation of valuable minerals from the other raw materials received from the grinding mill. In large-scale operations this is accomplished by taking advantage of the different properties of the minerals to be separated.

Why is concentration of ore important?

concentration of ore means removal of impurities by physical methods. The impurities like sand, rocky materials, limestone, mica etc present in the ore is called gangue or matrix. Concentration is necessary as it is easy to extract a metal when the impurities are removed at the beginning.

What is concentration of ore Class 12?

The process of separating gangue from an ore is known as concentration of the ore. It is also called dressing or benefaction. Metals can be concentrated from their ores using any of these methods – hydraulic washing, magnetic separation, froth floatation or leaching.

What is concentration process?

A concentration process involves the separation of a solute from a solvent. From: Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, 2015.

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What are the methods of concentration of ores?

Hydraulic Washing: This method concentrates the ore by passing it through an upward stream of water whereby all the lighter particles of gangue are separated from the heavier metal ore. This is a type of gravity separation.

What is concentration of ore Class 10?

Ores are solid material from which a pure metal can be obtained. The process of removal of unwanted material from the ore is known as concentration or dressing or benefaction of ores.

How is concentration of ores done?

The powdered ore is dissolved in a chemical, usually a strong solution of NaOH. The chemical solution dissolves the metal in the ore and it can be extracted and separated from the gangue by extracting the chemical solution. Extraction of the Aluminium metal from Bauxite ore is done using this process.

Which process is used for concentration of ore?

The froth floatation process is a process that is used industrially for the concentration of sulphide ores of various minerals.

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What are the methods of concentration of ores explain?