
What is the most attractive foreign language?

What is the most attractive foreign language?

Here are (in no particular order) the 10 most beautiful languages in the world, according to Busuu’s experts

  • Italian. When it comes to the most attractive languages, for many people the native language of Italy likely springs to mind.
  • Arabic.
  • English.
  • (Brazilian) Portuguese.
  • 5. Japanese.
  • Turkish.
  • Irish/Scottish Gaelic.
  • Lingala.

What is the best second language for an English speaker?

To help you out, we’ve chosen the six most valuable second languages for English speakers to learn.

  • Spanish (405 million native speakers)
  • Mandarin Chinese (955 million native speakers)
  • German (95 million native speakers)
  • French (75 million native speakers)
  • arabic (295 million native speakers)

Are Asian people surprisingly adept at speaking English?

Many are surprisingly adept at speaking English. I don’t why we might consider this “surprising.” Native speakers of the various Asian languages are no less skilled at learning new tongues than any American. Perhaps it might even be said that they are much better than us.

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What are the best languages to learn besides English?

Finnish has a lovely lilt to it and a subtle staccato quality, which translates well into music and poetry and also sounds surprisingly good in the form of reggae. Welsh has shown formidable strength against the sometimes unstoppable tide of English, even though it is spoken natively only on the island that English came from.

What is the most beautiful language in the world?

1 Italian. Let’s start with one that most of us can agree on, the language of Dante, 2 Arabic. Arabic’s most beautiful aspect may be its alphabet, and the incredible calligraphy 3 Czech. There is something really wonderful about Czech, the westernmost branch 4 Wolof. Wolof is spoken natively in a number

What are the top 10 most spoken languages in the world?

1 Italian. 2 Arabic. 3 Czech. 4 Wolof. 5 Finnish. 6 Welsh. 7 Cherokee. 8 Chinese. 9 Bengali. 10 English.